978-0134183268 Chapter 9 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1680
subject Authors Rebecca J. Donatelle

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Health: The Basics, 12e (Donatelle)
Chapter 9 Nutrition: Eating for a Healthier You
1) Which of the following BEST describes appetite?
A) It is the social meaning attached to food.
B) It is the same as hunger.
C) It is more psychological than physiological.
D) It is not triggered by smells or taste.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
2) In the United States, which of the following factors does NOT affect most people's choices
about dietary intake?
A) convenience
B) cultural traditions
C) advertising
D) limited food supply
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
3) Which of the following is TRUE about calories?
A) Calories are a unit of measure of the energy obtained from food.
B) Calories are one of the basic nutrient groups.
C) All nutrients provide calories.
D) Caloric needs stay about the same during various life stages.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
4) What type of proteins contain all nine essential amino acids?
A) incomplete
B) complete
C) plant-source
D) complementary
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
5) What substance is not soluble in water, is derived from animal-based foods and synthesized by
the body, and while circulating in the blood, can accumulate on the inner walls of arteries and
restrict blood flow?
A) cholesterol
B) high-density lipoproteins
C) triglycerides
D) saturated fat
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
6) All of the following points about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are true EXCEPT that
A) they are a set of recommendations for healthy eating.
B) they form the basis for the MyPlate food guidance system.
C) they provide specific recipes to facilitate meal preparation.
D) they are designed to combat the growing obesity epidemic.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Nutritional Guidelines
Learning Outcome: 9.2
7) What is the difference between a portion and a serving?
A) A serving is the amount you choose to eat, and a portion is the recommended amount to be
B) A serving is the recommended amount to be consumed, and a portion is the amount you
choose to eat.
C) A serving amount is twice the size of a portion.
D) A serving amount is half the size of a portion.
Skill: Understanding
Section: How Can I Eat More Healthfully?
Learning Outcome: 9.3
8) One medium fruit serving is about the size of a(n)
A) checkbook.
B) golf ball.
C) baseball.
D) egg.
Skill: Remembering
Section: How Can I Eat More Healthfully?
Learning Outcome: 9.3
9) Calories from saturated fats and/or sugar in foods that have little or no nutritional value, such
as ice cream and soda, are called
A) empty calories.
B) non-nutritive calories.
C) soluble calories.
D) nutrient-dense calories.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Nutritional Guidelines
Learning Outcome: 9.2
10) Over the past three decades, daily calorie consumption by Americans has
A) decreased slightly.
B) primarily come from junk foods.
C) remained about the same.
D) increased significantly.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Nutritional Guidelines
Learning Outcome: 9.2
11) Nutrients are
A) the constituents in food that the body requires to function properly.
B) units of measure that indicate the amount of energy in a particular food.
C) made up of three basic food groups: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
D) the healthful compounds found in vitamins and minerals.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
12) Which of the following foods is the most nutrient-dense?
A) butter
B) low-fat milk
C) ice cream
D) frozen yogurt
Skill: Applying
Section: Nutritional Guidelines
Learning Outcome: 9.2
13) Which of the following vitamins is readily excreted from the body in urine and unlikely to
develop to toxic levels?
A) vitamin A
B) vitamin C
C) vitamin D
D) vitamin E
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
14) What percentage of a person's body weight is water?
A) 10 to 30 percent
B) 30 to 50 percent
C) 50 to 70 percent
D) 70 to 90 percent
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
15) Molecules that are the building blocks of protein are
A) minerals.
B) starches.
C) amino acids.
D) fatty acids.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
16) Which of the following is FALSE about fiber?
A) It is the indigestible portion of plant foods.
B) It adds bulk and roughage to the diet.
C) It helps move foods through the digestive system.
D) It is the digestible portion of plant foods.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
17) Which of the following foods is an example of a complete protein?
A) pinto beans
B) chicken breast
C) peanuts
D) whole-grain bread
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
18) High-fiber diets may help decrease the risk of all of the following EXCEPT
A) colon cancer.
B) heart disease.
C) obesity.
D) fibromyalgia.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
19) Dietary fats that are solid at room temperature are made up mostly of
A) essential fatty acids.
B) polyunsaturated fatty acids.
C) saturated fatty acids.
D) monounsaturated fatty acids.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
20) The milk sugar that some people can't digest properly is
A) lactose.
B) glucose.
C) sucrose.
D) fructose.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Food Safety: A Growing Concern
Learning Outcome: 9.4
21) The complex carbohydrate form of a sugar that is stored in the liver and muscles is
A) glucagon.
B) galactose.
C) glucose.
D) glycogen.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
22) Which type of fiber dissolves in water and can be digested by bacteria in the colon?
A) soluble
B) complex
C) insoluble
D) composite
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
23) Potent and essential organic compounds that promote growth and help to maintain life and
health are
A) minerals.
B) nutrients.
C) vitamins.
D) additives.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
24) All the following are good sources of complex carbohydrates EXCEPT
A) oatmeal.
B) spinach.
C) carrots.
D) milk.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
25) High levels of this type of cholesterol appear to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, or
cholesterol-clogged arteries.
C) Triglycerides
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
26) The ideal cholesterol ratio for an individual would include
A) high HDL and high LDL.
B) low HDL and low LDL.
C) low HDL and high LDL.
D) high HDL and low LDL.
Skill: Analyzing
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
27) The purpose of hydrogenating unsaturated fats is to
A) make them more liquid at room temperature.
B) reduce the amount of cholesterol.
C) make them more solid at room temperature.
D) increase the levels of protein.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
28) When liquid oils are hydrogenated,
A) LDLs are produced.
B) trans fatty acids are produced.
C) HDLs are produced.
D) cholesterol is produced.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
29) Which of the following has the most saturated fat?
A) coconut oil
B) palm kernel oil
C) peanut oil
D) olive oil
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
30) Taking a large amount of this vitamin can be toxic because excess amounts can accumulate
in the liver.
A) A
B) B6
C) C
D) B12
Skill: Analyzing
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
31) Minerals that the body needs in very small amounts are
A) major minerals.
B) organic minerals.
C) trace minerals.
D) microminerals.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
32) The mineral necessary for the regulation of blood and body fluids is
A) zinc.
B) sodium.
C) iodine.
D) calcium.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
33) The most common nutrient deficiency in the world is
A) iron deficiency.
B) sodium deficiency.
C) calcium deficiency.
D) potassium deficiency.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
34) The chief function of this mineral in the body is to make teeth resistant to decay and bones
resistant to mineral loss.
A) calcium
B) fluoride
C) magnesium
D) phosphorus
Skill: Analyzing
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
35) Which is NOT a good source of folate?
A) spinach
B) liver
C) lentils
D) fish
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
36) Which substances protect against oxidative stress and the resultant cell damage?
A) hormones
B) enzymes
C) proteins
D) antioxidants
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
37) Riboflavin is one of the
A) C vitamins.
B) D vitamins.
C) B vitamins.
D) E vitamins.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
38) Which of the following is TRUE about Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)?
A) They are the reference standard for intake levels necessary to meet the needs of most healthy
B) They are the highest amount of a particular nutrient that can be safely consumed on a daily
C) They are the recommended average daily intake by healthy people when the research is
D) They are the amount of intake needed to prevent chronic disease.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Essential Nutrients for Health
Learning Outcome: 9.1
39) Which of the following could be included in a vegan diet?
A) eggs
B) raw milk
C) fish
D) apples
Skill: Applying
Section: How Can I Eat More Healthfully?
Learning Outcome: 9.3

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