978-0134183268 Chapter 7 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1950
subject Authors Rebecca J. Donatelle

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Health: The Basics, 12e (Donatelle)
Chapter 7 Recognizing and Avoiding Addiction and Drug Abuse
1) People with a physiological dependence on a substance, such as an addictive drug, will
A) withdrawal but not tolerance.
B) tolerance but not withdrawal.
C) neither tolerance nor withdrawal.
D) both tolerance and withdrawal.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
2) James is no longer able to feel the same effect from his drug of choice with his regular dose;
he needs to increase the amount of the drug to feel the desired effect. This demonstrates
A) withdrawal.
B) tolerance.
C) adjustment.
D) intolerance.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
3) Which of the following is an example of a process addiction?
A) compulsive gambling
B) regular Internet use
C) alcoholism
D) a disciplined exercise routine
Skill: Understanding
Section: Addictive Behaviors
Learning Outcome: 7.2
4) Using a drug for a purpose other than that for which it is intended is
A) drug abuse.
B) drug use.
C) drug misuse.
D) drug tolerance.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
5) Chelsea occasionally takes aspirin to relieve a headache. Chelsea is
A) using an over-the-counter (OTC) drug.
B) engaging in drug abuse.
C) likely to develop cross-tolerance.
D) using a transdermal drug.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
6) A substance intended to affect the structure or function of the body or mind through chemical
action is
A) an illicit drug.
B) a prescription drug.
C) a synergistic drug.
D) a drug.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
7) Which of the following is TRUE about routes of drug administration?
A) Drugs can't be absorbed through the skin.
B) Intravenous injection is the most dangerous method of administration.
C) The least effective route of administration is by inhalation.
D) Drugs taken orally reach the bloodstream faster than drugs taken by inhalation.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
8) The fastest-acting method of injection is
A) inunction.
B) intramuscular.
C) intravenous.
D) subcutaneous.
Skill: Remembering
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
9) Using a nicotine patch for smoking cessation is an example of which route of administration?
A) injection
B) oral ingestion
C) transdermal
D) inhalation
Skill: Remembering
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
10) All of the following are true about suppositories EXCEPT that
A) they are designed to melt at body temperature.
B) they are inserted into the vagina or anus.
C) they enable a drug to be released into the bloodstream.
D) they have a short life span and become inactive within an hour.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
11) David spends four hours a day lifting weights and is at the point of obsession about his
fitness routine to the extent that he will miss classes and outings with friends so he can go to the
gym. He most likely suffers from which of the following disorders?
A) bipolar disorder
B) anorexia nervosa
C) exercise addiction
D) bulimia
Skill: Applying
Section: Addictive Behaviors
Learning Outcome: 7.2
12) Addictive substances and behaviors
A) have the potential to produce a positive mood change.
B) eventually lose their hold on a person over time.
C) do not necessarily have negative consequences.
D) involve some type of substance abuse.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
13) Jason doesn't see that his addiction to heroin is self-destructive. He is experiencing
A) obsession.
B) compulsion.
C) loss of control.
D) denial.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
14) Which of the following is TRUE about gambling addictions?
A) Gambling problems do not tend to become worse over time.
B) Gambling problems are greater among individuals with high socioeconomic status.
C) Most compulsive gamblers seek a high from the excitement even more than from money.
D) People with a compulsive gambling disorder and people who abuse drugs have entirely
different cravings and highs.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Addictive Behaviors
Learning Outcome: 7.2
15) Lisa is aware that her best friend, Kim, has a drinking problem. Lisa continually makes
excuses for her and often completes Kim's homework to protect her from flunking out of school.
Lisa's behavior is an example of
A) enabling.
B) reinforcing.
C) intervening.
D) compulsion.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
16) Psychoactive drugs have which type of effect on the body?
A) They potentiate the effect of other drugs on the nervous system.
B) They enhance, suppress, or interfere with the actions of neurotransmitters.
C) They speed up energy metabolism and body movements.
D) They depress or slow all body functions.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
17) The so-called pleasure circuit
A) is activated when the pituitary gland releases hormones related to pleasure into the
B) includes the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system.
C) spans the brain, sensory receptors in the skin, and motor neurons attached to muscles.
D) is also known as the mesolimbic dopamine system.
Skill: Remembering
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
18) Which of the following is TRUE about over-the-counter drugs?
A) Some require a prescription.
B) They are monitored under the care of a physician.
C) They can be abused.
D) They cannot be abused.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
19) Mikail is attempting to reduce his caffeine consumption. Which of the following drinks that
he consumes daily has the highest amount of caffeine per serving?
A) black tea
B) regular cola
C) energy drink
D) gourmet coffee
Skill: Remembering
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
20) Which of the following is a sign of codependent behavior?
A) joining an addict in a destructive behavior, such as regularly getting drunk at parties
B) having a history of substance abuse during the teen years
C) trying to encourage an addicted family member or friend to get help
D) striving to meet another person's needs in an obsessive and unhealthy way
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Addiction?
Learning Outcome: 7.1
21) According to research, each of the following factors increases the risk of substance abuse
among students EXCEPT
A) genetics and family history of addiction.
B) substance use in high school.
C) participation in college sports.
D) mental health problems.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Drug Misuse and Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.4
22) If you have questions about synergistic drug interactions involving prescription medications,
you should talk to a
A) pharmacist or physician.
B) fitness trainer.
C) therapist.
D) naturopath.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is a Drug?
Learning Outcome: 7.3
23) According to research, which of the following is a protective factor that can influence
students to avoid drugs?
A) mental health problems
B) positive expectations about drugs
C) sorority and fraternity membership
D) having a healthy social network
Skill: Understanding
Section: Drug Misuse and Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.4
24) Heroin has a
A) high potential for addiction and limited medical use.
B) high potential for addiction and no accepted medical use.
C) low potential for addiction and no accepted medical use.
D) high potential for addiction and accepted medical use.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
25) A large dose of cocaine can cause
A) increased heart rate and blood pressure.
B) decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
C) increased appetite and fatigue.
D) a sustained high.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
26) Stimulants such as Ritalin or Adderall are commonly prescribed to treat
A) insomnia.
C) hypertension.
D) anxiety.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Drug Misuse and Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.4
27) Which of the following statements is TRUE of cocaine?
A) It is a central nervous system depressant.
B) It is an anesthetic and a stimulant.
C) It is sometimes prescribed in moderation as an antidepressant.
D) It is available in only one form.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
28) Which of the following is NOT true of methamphetamine?
A) It can produce a high lasting over 8 hours when smoked.
B) It is inexpensive and highly addictive.
C) It takes long-term use to develop tolerance.
D) It can be snorted, smoked, injected, or orally ingested.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
29) Opioids are also called
A) depressants.
B) stimulants.
C) narcotics.
D) hallucinogens.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
30) Marijuana today is
A) not subject to state or federal drug laws.
B) not able to be orally ingested.
C) less of a health risk than it used to be.
D) much more potent than it was in the 1960s.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
31) The most noticeable effect of the THC in marijuana is
A) bloodshot eyes.
B) a slouched posture.
C) quick reactions.
D) decreased thirst and appetite.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
32) Long-term effects of marijuana include all the following EXCEPT
A) increased risk of testicular cancer in males.
B) increased risk of lung disorders.
C) increased production of testosterone in males.
D) increased risk of developing serious mental health problems.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
33) Marijuana is administered therapeutically for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A) to reduce the muscle pain and spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.
B) to control side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting.
C) to forestall loss of lean muscle mass due to AIDS-wasting syndrome.
D) to reduce appetite for weight control.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
34) Marijuana use presents clear dangers to those driving motor vehicles (as well as others on the
road) because it
A) negatively affects night vision.
B) slows reaction time and impedes decision making.
C) alters color and depth perception.
D) may cause seizures.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
35) Morphine, codeine, and heroin are all
A) available over the counter.
B) opioids.
C) amphetamines.
D) available by prescription.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
36) All of the following drugs are used to treat opioid addiction EXCEPT
A) methadone.
B) naltrexone (Trexan).
C) buprenorphine (Temgesic).
D) methamphetamine.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Treating and Reducing Drug Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.6
37) The most popular form of LSD is
A) a powder that is snorted.
B) blotter acid that is swallowed or chewed.
C) a pill that is swallowed.
D) a liquid that is injected into the veins.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
38) Mescaline
A) is derived from a cactus.
B) takes effect very fast.
C) is a depressant.
D) has a pleasant, sweet taste.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5
39) Which of the following is TRUE about psilocybin?
A) It is the active chemical in a type of grass.
B) Its physical effects wear off in 1-2 hours.
C) It can cause hallucinations.
D) It is similar to marijuana in its physical effects.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Common Drugs of Abuse
Learning Outcome: 7.5

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