978-0134183268 Chapter 15 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1778
subject Authors Rebecca J. Donatelle

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Health: The Basics, 12e (Donatelle)
Chapter 15 Promoting Environmental Health
1) All of the following are consequences of population growth EXCEPT
A) natural resources being depleted.
B) animal habitats being destroyed.
C) decreased availability of clean water.
D) higher healthcare costs.
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
2) Which of the following is a concern in regard to overpopulation?
A) increased amount of land used for agricultural purposes
B) increased levels of prosperity in developed nations
C) increased use of alternative fuels
D) increased fish stocks
Skill: Analyzing
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
3) Experts analyze the carrying capacity of the earth to figure out
A) how to increase available resources.
B) the earth's population over the next century.
C) the maximum population the earth can support.
D) how to ration resources for the existing population.
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
4) Countries with the largest per capita "ecological footprint" include which of the following?
A) China
B) India
C) United States
D) Australia
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
5) The country projected to have the largest population by 2050 is
A) China.
B) India.
C) Nigeria.
D) Indonesia.
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
6) Reasons for continued population growth in many developing nations include all of the
following circumstances for women EXCEPT
A) lack of education.
B) no access to birth control.
C) rising economic status.
D) little control over reproductive choices.
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
7) As compared to today, by the year 2050, the world's population is expected to
A) decline by about 100 million people.
B) stay about the same.
C) increase by about 1 billion people.
D) increase by about 2 billion people.
Skill: Understanding
Section: The Threat of Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 15.1
8) Air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act include all of the following EXCEPT
A) sulfur dioxide.
B) carbon monoxide.
C) particulates.
D) carbon dioxide.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
9) A colorless gas that dissolves in water vapor to form acid and is emitted from coal-fired power
plants is
A) nitrogen dioxide.
B) carbon monoxide.
C) carbon dioxide.
D) sulfur dioxide.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
10) All of the following statements about particulates are true EXCEPT
A) they are tiny particles suspended in the air.
B) diesel engines emit particulates.
C) they impair visibility.
D) they have few health effects.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
11) Motor vehicle exhaust is a source of which odorless, colorless gas that also contributes to the
formation of smog?
A) carbon monoxide
B) lead
C) carbon dioxide
D) sulfur dioxide
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
12) Smog is sometimes called
A) carbon monoxide pollution.
B) ozone pollution.
C) particulate pollution.
D) sulfur dioxide pollution.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
13) Which of the six major outdoor air pollutants is a metallic element that is also a significant
concern indoors?
A) dioxin
B) formaldehyde
C) lead
D) sulfur
Skill: Analyzing
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
14) Smog tends to form in areas that experience
A) high rainfall.
B) dry conditions.
C) a climate shift.
D) a temperature inversion.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
15) In which of the following regions is smog most likely to be a concern?
A) at the top of Mount Rainier
B) along the Florida coastline
C) in the San Fernando Valley
D) over an industrial farm in Nebraska
Skill: Applying
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
16) An Air Quality Index of 50 indicates that the air quality is
A) good.
B) unhealthy for sensitive people.
C) unhealthy for everyone.
D) hazardous.
Skill: Applying
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
17) Chemicals used to kill insects and rodents are
A) dioxins.
B) solvents.
C) pesticides.
D) herbicides.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4
18) Chemicals used to kill weeds and vegetation are
A) PCBs.
B) solvents.
C) pesticides.
D) herbicides.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4
19) Acid deposition mainly consists of airborne deposits of sulfur dioxide and
A) carbon monoxide.
B) nitrogen oxides.
C) ozone.
D) lead.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
20) When trying to ensure clean air in your home, sources of pollution to look for include all of
the following EXCEPT
A) radon.
B) asbestos.
C) formaldehyde.
D) nitroglycerine.
Skill: Applying
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
21) You have been looking at numerous new homes. The nausea and fatigue you are attributing
to the stress of buying a new house may actually be due to exposure to
A) asbestos.
B) carbon monoxide.
C) formaldehyde.
D) radon.
Skill: Applying
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
22) The greenhouse effect is
A) the shift in seasonal temperatures and patterns of rainfall that has occurred in the last century.
B) responsible for increasing the average temperature of the earth by about 8°F over the last
C) a natural phenomenon.
D) an essential mechanism for keeping the planet cool enough to sustain life.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
23) Climate change is
A) synonymous with global warming.
B) due to a rise in global sea levels and solar output as well as changes in the earth's orbit.
C) due to sustainable development.
D) evidenced by patterns of shifts in temperature, precipitation, and frequency of catastrophic
climate storms that exceed what might be predicted by natural causes.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
24) Increases in the planet's temperature over the past few decades can be attributed to
A) acid rain.
B) excess carbon monoxide.
C) the increased use of chlorofluorocarbons.
D) the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
25) Seth has a sensitivity to mold. When he visits his grandparents and spends time in their damp
basement, he likely experiences all of the following EXCEPT
A) nasal congestion.
B) eye and skin irritation.
C) difficulty breathing.
D) migraine headaches.
Skill: Applying
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
26) An important strategy for avoiding mold is to
A) keep the humidity in your home between 60 and 80 percent.
B) make sure you keep the doors and windows in your home tightly sealed.
C) lay down carpeting in bathrooms and basements.
D) use a dehumidifier in damp rooms.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
27) The primary greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is
A) nitrous oxide.
B) carbon dioxide.
C) hydrochlorazine.
D) methane.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
28) The ozone layer is
A) close to Earth and poses no serious health threats.
B) in the stratosphere and protects the planet from UVB radiation.
C) a harmful chemical that is produced when oxygen interacts with water.
D) a layer of toxic gas produced by the discharge of aerosols, refrigerants, and solvents high into
the earth's stratosphere.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
29) The chemical originally contained in aerosol propellants that is thought to have contributed
to the depletion of the ozone layer is
A) carbon oxides.
B) chlorofluorocarbons.
C) fluorohydrochlorides.
D) nitrous oxide.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Air Pollution
Learning Outcome: 15.2
30) Earth's average temperature has risen by how much in the past 100 years?
A) 0.5°F
B) 1.5°F
C) 2.5°F
D) 3.F
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
31) Earth's average temperature is expected to rise by a maximum of how much in the next 100
A) 2.5°F
B) 5.F
C) 8.5°F
D) 11.F
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
32) Climate change is evidenced by which of the following features?
A) the warmest winter on record in the Northeastern U.S.
B) a shift to a pattern of unusual fluctuations in rain or snowfall amounts
C) the end of seasonal variations
D) the occurrence of a hurricane
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
33) Cap and trade policies
A) are financial rewards paid to industrial farms that limit their gallons of water used per day.
B) are strongly supported by those who oppose "big government."
C) provide incentives to industrial polluters to limit their carbon emissions.
D) limit the amount of electricity communities are allowed to purchase from coal-fired power
plants before they must begin to purchase electricity from solar or wind sources.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
34) Most experts agree that a key step in slowing climate change is to
A) repeal all industrial waste laws.
B) reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
C) make cars larger and more efficient.
D) eliminate mass transportation.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
35) Economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs
of future generations is called
A) environmental development.
B) sustainable development.
C) progressive development.
D) ecological development.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
36) All of the following are examples of resources that reduce carbon emissions EXCEPT
A) solar.
B) wind.
C) bioenergy.
D) coal.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Climate Change
Learning Outcome: 15.3
37) The two general types of water pollution are described as
A) point source and nonpoint source.
B) toxic and nontoxic.
C) runoff and nonrunoff.
D) acid and nonacid.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4
38) An example of a point source water pollutant is
A) runoff from a construction site.
B) outflow from a sewage treatment plant.
C) weed-killer used on lawns.
D) leakage from a septic tank.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4
39) An example of a nonpoint source water pollutant is
A) outflow from a sewage treatment plant.
B) pesticide runoff from a farm.
C) waste from a mulching operation.
D) industrial waste from a chemical plant.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4
40) Major sources of water contamination include all of the following EXCEPT
A) gas and petroleum products.
B) dioxins.
C) consumer medications.
D) PCBs.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Water Pollution and Shortages
Learning Outcome: 15.4

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