978-0134183268 10a_test_bank Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1568
subject Authors Rebecca J. Donatelle

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Health: The Basics, 12e (Donatelle)
Chapter 10a Focus On: Enhancing Your Body Image
1) An eating disorder that may lead to the erosion of tooth enamel due to frequent purging is
A) binge-eating disorder.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) bulimia nervosa.
D) night-eating syndrome.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
2) Having a negative body image can lead to all of the following EXCEPT
A) disordered eating.
B) steroid abuse.
C) anxiety and distress.
D) high self-esteem.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
3) The BEST definition of body image is
A) whether or not you like certain features of your body.
B) your impression of what others think about your appearance.
C) how you view your body and your feelings and beliefs about your appearance.
D) how you view yourself when you compare yourself to a celebrity.
Skill: Analyzing
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
4) Jasmine is always complaining that she doesn't like the way she looks. She tells her friend
Amber that she thinks her thighs are too big and that she feels fat. Amber assures Jasmine that
she isn't fat, but Jasmine won't listen. It is likely that Jasmine may be suffering from
A) peer pressure.
B) a negative body image.
C) anxiety.
D) depression.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
5) The body image continuum developed by researchers at the University of Arizona
A) identifies distinct stages associated with how satisfied you are with your body.
B) only identifies behaviors associated with a negative body image.
C) represents a range of behaviors and attitudes toward body image.
D) only identifies behaviors associated with a positive body image.
Skill: Analyzing
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
6) A major influence on our development of a body image is
A) characters you read about in books.
B) how lean or chubby you were as a child.
C) how employers and teachers see you.
D) the media and popular culture.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
7) Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the relationship between body
image and culture?
A) Media images have little influence over what we find attractive.
B) Commercials often convey messages related to physical attractiveness.
C) The ideal body image for women has always been thin and willowy.
D) Today's ideal body image is very similar to the typical American body.
Skill: Analyzing
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
8) One of the health problems associated with the female athlete triad is amenorrhea, which is a
lack of
A) menstrual periods.
B) calcium.
C) iron.
D) fertility.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Exercise Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.3
9) Tiffany is going through puberty and is concerned about her appearance. Her father assures
her that she is growing into a beautiful young lady and that he is very proud of her. His reaction
to Tiffany will likely cause her to
A) be more accepting of her body.
B) have feelings of discomfort around members of the opposite sex.
C) be ashamed of her body.
D) have a negative body image.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
10) Recent neurological studies have linked body image disorders to
A) family eating patterns.
B) poor neurotransmitter regulation and impairments in visual processing.
C) poor emotional control and certain learning disabilities.
D) motor neuron deficits and impairments in auditory processing.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
11) Common myths that contribute to negative body image include all of the following EXCEPT
A) how you look is more important than who you are.
B) appearance is more important than health.
C) eating healthy and staying active is an effective weight loss strategy.
D) anyone can be slender if they work at it.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
12) A key characteristic associated with social physique anxiety is
A) an over-reliance on counseling or therapy.
B) avoidance of issues associated with appearance.
C) a pattern of yo-yo dieting.
D) less ability to function in social interactions and relationships.
Skill: Understanding
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
13) A person suffering from body dysmorphic disorder would likely
A) have high self-esteem.
B) be realistic about their appearance.
C) have no obsessive tendencies.
D) take extreme measures to conceal or alter certain physical features.
Skill: Applying
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
14) Karen is extremely dissatisfied with her body shape and she has gone through three cosmetic
surgeries to alter her facial structure. Karen is most likely suffering from
A) social physique anxiety.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) body dysmorphic disorder.
D) bulimia nervosa.
Skill: Analyzing
Section: What Is Body Image?
Learning Outcome: 10a.1
15) The physical flaw that most individuals associate with negative body image is
A) body weight.
B) height.
C) hair color.
D) facial blemishes.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
16) A person with disordered eating may do all of the following EXCEPT
A) punish themselves if they gain weight.
B) attempt to follow the latest diet fad.
C) go to extremes to reduce calorie intake.
D) reward themselves if they gain weight.
Skill: Applying
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
17) Which of the following is NOT one of the eating disorders defined by the American
Psychological Association?
A) anorexia and bulimia nervosa
B) anxiety-related eating disorder
C) binge-eating disorder
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
18) An individual with an eating disorder commonly may also have
A) other psychological disorders.
B) impulsive behavior.
C) a sense of empowerment.
D) high self-esteem.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
19) Individuals with an intense fear of gaining weight along with an extremely distorted body
image have the eating disorder known as
A) amenorrhea.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) bulimia nervosa.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
20) After drastic weight loss, an anorexic individual will
A) feel satisfied with their body image.
B) feel that they are still too fat.
C) feel that they can afford to regain some of the weight.
D) be cured of anorexia nervosa.
Skill: Applying
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
21) All of the following are characteristic of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT
A) maintaining a body weight above a minimally normal weight for age and height.
B) having intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat.
C) restricting food intake to the point of self-starvation.
D) disturbance in the way in which body weight or shape is experienced.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
22) Compensatory behaviors such as vomiting or using laxatives to rid the body of food that has
been consumed
A) have obvious health benefits.
B) attempt to balance out a previous behavior.
C) indicate a healthy body image.
D) have no potential negative health consequences.
Skill: Evaluating
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
23) Darren was not able to exercise today because of his hectic schedule. An inappropriate
compensatory behavior for Darren would be to
A) work out the next morning to make up for today's lack of exercise.
B) restructure his schedule so that he can avoid this problem in the future.
C) skip dinner to make up for his failure to exercise.
D) consume extra helpings at dinner because he is hungry.
Skill: Applying
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
24) All of the following are characteristic of bulimia nervosa EXCEPT
A) recurrent episodes of binge eating.
B) recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior.
C) obsession with body weight and appearance.
D) an imbalance of neurotransmitters.
Skill: Remembering
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
25) Which of the following disorders falls under the category of other specified feeding or eating
disorders (OSFED)?
A) binge-eating disorder
B) anorexia nervosa
C) bulimia nervosa
D) night eating syndrome
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
26) An individual who periodically consumes excessively large amounts of food without
engaging in compensatory behavior would be classified as having
A) bulimia nervosa.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) binge-eating disorder.
D) night-eating syndrome.
Skill: Understanding
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2
27) Tina suffers from anorexia nervosa. She is depressed, lacks self-confidence, and has strained
relationships with family members and friends. Though she is extremely thin, she continues to
lose weight at a rapid rate. The most important first step in treating Tina's condition would be to
A) stabilize her weight.
B) involve family and friends.
C) provide counseling to deal with Tina's self-esteem issues.
D) determine her body mass index.
Skill: Applying
Section: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Learning Outcome: 10a.2

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