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Chapter 17
Multiple Choice Questions
17.1 All of the following are practical guidelines to follow when writing an educational report EXCEPT:
a. Write the report in the third person
b. Single space the report to condense the length
c. Write reports using complete sentences
d. Write all reports in the future tense
17.2 Which phrase should NOT be used when writing an educational report?
a. According to the examiner...
b. It was felt that...
c. There seems to be....
d. I believe that....
e. It is the professional opinion of this evaluator that...
17.3 Professional reports should be written in the:
a. First person
b. Third person
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
17.4 Reports should be __________ to condense the length.
a. Single spaced
b. Double spaced
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b
17.5 Which of the following is not recommended for report writing?
a. In general, try to separate your recommendation section into three parts
b. Try to write the report in the past tense as often as possible.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
17.6 Report recommendations should be broken down into how many parts?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
17.7 Reports should be written in the:
a. Past tense
b. Present tense
c. Future tense
17.8 Which of the following phrases in a report is incorrectly written?
a. On the Reading subtest, Billy scored in the 95th percentile
b. During testing, Sally exhibits shyness
c. Throughout the interview, Tommy showed no signs of hyperactivity
d. Karen appeared to lack confidence when doing tasks which required hand-eye coordination
17.9 The first section is called ________ and contains all the necessary basic information about the child.
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.10 Identifying Data will contain all of the following information EXCEPT:
a. Student’s name
b. Behavioral observations of student
c. Student’s parents’ names
d. Student’s address
e. Student’s telephone number
17.11 The student’s chronological age at the time of testing will be found in which section of a report?
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.12 Which section of the report explains to the reader the specific reasons why this evaluation is taking
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.13 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase that would found in the Reason for Referral
section of a report?
a. John was referred by his teacher for evaluation as a result of inconsistent academic performance and
poor social skills.
b. Mary was referred by her parents for evaluation in order to determine if a learning disability was
interfering in her ability to learn.
c. On the WISC-V Timmy scored in the 70th percentile
d. Benjamin is being tested as part of the triennial evaluation.
e. Matthew is being screened for a suspected disability.
17.14 Which section of a report contains a very thorough description of the child's Family History,
Developmental History, Academic History and Social History?
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.15 The Background History of a report contains a very thorough description of the child's:
a. Family History
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above
17.16 The section of the Background History that provides the reader with a general understanding of the
family structure, siblings, and parental perceptions is the:
a. Family History
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above
17.17 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase pertaining to a child’s family history?
a. Billy lives at home with his mother and a younger brother, Tommy. His parents are divorced and Billy
has no contact with his father
b. Sally lives at home with her father, mother, and two older sisters
c. In school, Billy has many friends and gets along well with others
d. Karen is an only child who was adopted at the age of 6 months by her parents, Ted and Jane. She
knows that she is adopted and has never had any contact with her biological parents
17.18 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase pertaining to a child’s developmental
a. All of Billy’s developmental milestones were reached in the normal limits.
b. During testing, Billy was shy and hesitant to respond
c. Sally started to talk only at the age of 2 years of age and received early intervention to help her with
language ability.
d. Teddy had many ear infections during the first year of life and needed tubes put in when he was 13
months of age.
e. Billy started to walk later than the norm, as he started at 21 months of age.
17.19 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase pertaining to a child’s academic history?
a. Billy has always done poorly in math and has never received a grade of higher than C throughout his
educational career.
b. Sally’s first grade teacher reported that she had great difficulty in the area of spelling.
c. Teddy had many ear infections during the first year of life and needed tubes put in when he was 13
months of age
d. Fred’s Reading scores on the ABC National Standardized Test were well below the norm (8th
percentile) when he took it two years ago in the 4th grade.
17.20 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase pertaining to a child’s social history?
a. According to Billy, he enjoys playing baseball and hanging out with his friends at the mall.
b. Sally reported that she has no friends and does not participate in any extracurricular activities.
c. Teddy is the 11th Grade Class President of his school and plays on the Junior Varsity Basketball and
Varsity Baseball teams.
d. Joe does very poorly in reading but excels in mathematics
17.21 The section of the report that includes a description of the child's behavior during the testing
sessions is called:
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.22 Which section of a report are you providing the reader for the first time with your professional and
first hand observation of this child in a controlled setting.
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.23 Which of the following is NOT an example of a phrase found in the Observations section of a
a. Sally approached the testing situation in a reluctant and hesitant manner.
b. Test results on the WISC-V indicated that Billy received Full Scale IQ score of 120
c. During testing, it was evident that Billy was frustrated with many of the reading tasks.
d. Throughout the assessment, Connie appeared anxious and nervous, as she was biting her nails and
always asking whether her answers were correct.
17.24 Which section of the report includes a simple list of the individual tests included in the test battery
and any procedures used to enhance the report i.e. classroom observation, review of records, parent intake?
a. Identifying Data
b. Reason for Referral
c. Background History
d. Observations
e. Tests Administered
17.25 Which of the following would not be found in the Tests Administered section of a report?
a. Wechsler Individualized Achievement Test-3RD edition (WIAT-III)
b. Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-4th Edition (DTLA-4)
c. Gray Oral Reading Test-4th Edition (GORT-4)
d. All of the above could be found in the Tests Administered section of a report
17.26 Which section analyzes the results of each test and looks at the child's individual performance on
each measure?
a. Test Results
b. Test by Test Analysis
c. Content Area by Content Area Analysis
d. Conclusions
e. Recommendations
17.27 In which section of the report does the examiner indicate in very simple terms to the reader the
trends in the child's testing results that may indicate academic strengths, academic weaknesses, modality
strengths, modality weaknesses, process strengths and weaknesses and overall diagnosis and level of
severity of the problems areas indicated?
a. Test Results
b. Test by Test Analysis
c. Content Area by Content Area Analysis
d. Conclusions
e. Recommendations
17.28 Which section of the report is normally the last section and the most valuable section for the because
it hopefully bring some hope and direction for the identified problem areas?
a. Test Results
b. Test by Test Analysis
c. Content Area by Content Area Analysis
d. Conclusions
e. Recommendations

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