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Chapter 14
Multiple Choice Questions
14. 1 In 1986, Congress created a nationwide incentive for states to implement coordinated systems of
early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families by enacting which
Public Law?
a. P.L. 94-142
b. 99-457
c. 101-476
d. 108-446
14. 2 Under which Part of IDEIA must states provide services to any child “under 3 years of age who
needs early intervention services?
a. Part A
b. Part B
c. Part C
d. Part D
14.3 Under IDEIA (Part C), individual states retain the right to determine eligibility criteria for early
intervention services, and some require referral within a certain time period.
a. True
b. False
14.4 The F in IFSP stands for:
a. France
b. Foreign
c. Family
d. Feingold
14.5 The I in IFSP stands for:
a. Intelligence
b. Intermittent
c. Itinerant
d. Individualized
14. 6 Which of the following is TRUE?
a. The IFSP identifies and describes the services that are going to be provided and who will provide the
b. The IFSP also identifies the service coordinator who will assist families throughout the child’s
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b
14.7 Which of the following is a purpose of an IFSP?
a. To summarize all information known regarding the child's strengths and needs and the family's
strengths, concerns, priorities, preferences, and current resources
b. To review the family’s identified routines, daily activities, and natural environments
c. To develop and refine outcomes the family has chosen (includes outcomes for both the child and the
d. All of the above
14.8 Which of the following is a purpose of an IFSP?
a. To develop a written document that will guide the family, the family service coordinator, and the
other service providers
b. To determine the responsibilities of each team member
c. To determine how communication between the parent and other team members will be maintained
d. All of the above
14.9 According to the law, an IFSP must be developed within how many days of the time the initial
referral is made to the state’s early intervention program?
a. 30
b. 45
c. 60
d. 90
14.10 The contents of the IFSP must include a statement of the child's present levels of physical
development (including vision, hearing, and health status), cognitive development, communication
development, social or emotional development, and adaptive development...based on professionally
acceptable objective criteria
a. True
b. False
14.11 Which of the following is not required to be present at an IFSP meeting
a. The parent or parents of the child
b. A person or persons directly involved in conducting the evaluations and assessments
c. The principal of the school where the infant or toddler will be attending upon turning 5 years of age
d. The intake coordinator who has been working with the family since the initial referral for evaluation
14.12 Which of the following is not an early intervention service?
a. Audiology services
b. Resource room
c. Transportation
d. Vision services
14.13 Periodic IFSP reviews for a child and his or her family must be conducted every ______ or more
frequently if conditions warrant, or if the family requests a review
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 12 months
d. 18 months
14.14 Which of the following is a purpose of periodic IFSP reviews?
a. To determine whether modification or revision of the outcomes or services is necessary
b. To discuss the family's satisfaction with services being received
c. To review the results of any new evaluations and ongoing assessments
d. All of the above
14.15 When the child with a disability nears the age of ______, he or she must be considered for
services beyond early intervention services.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
14.16 If a child is eligible for preschool special education services, he or she must have an
Individualized Education Program (IEP) in place by age three.
a. True
b. False
14.17 The goal of assessment in early childhood is the same as it is for an individual of any agethat
is, to derive information to facilitate decision making with respect to that individual.
a. True
b. False
14.18 Early intervention is rapidly becoming an area of study for many special educators.
a. True
b. False
14.19 The question “Does the assessment focus on actual child behavior in real settings?” is an example
a. Authenticity
b. Convergence
c. Collaboration
d. Equity
e. Sensitivity
14.20 The question “Does the assessment rely on more than one source of information?” is an example
a. Authenticity
b. Convergence
c. Collaboration
d. Equity
e. Sensitivity
14.21 The question “Does the assessment involve cooperation and sharing, especially with parents?” is
an example of:
a. Authenticity
b. Convergence
c. Collaboration
d. Equity
e. Sensitivity
14.22 The question “Does the assessment accommodate special sensory, motor cultural or other needs
rather than penalize children who have special needs?” is an example of:
a. Authenticity
b. Convergence
c. Collaboration
d. Equity
e. Sensitivity
14.23 The question “Does the assessment include sufficient items for planning lessons and detecting
changes?” is an example of:
a. Authenticity
b. Convergence
c. Collaboration
d. Sensitivity
14.24 The question “Was the assessment developed and field tested with children similar to those being
assessed?” is an example of:
a. Authenticity
b. Congruence
c. Collaboration
d. Equity
14.25 Which influences must be considered when testing young children?
a. Environmental
b. Cultural
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b

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