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Chapter 13
Multiple Choice Questions
13.1 _________ is the physical process of making the sounds and sound combinations of a language.
a. Speech
b. Language
c. Projection
d. None of the above
13.2 ________ is essentially the system according to which a people agree to talk about or represent
environmental events.
a. Speech
b. Language
c. Projection
d. None of the above
13.3 Phonology is:
a. The knowledge a student has of sounds in language
b. The smallest meaningful unit of language and involves the stringing together of sounds
c. The rules used in combining words to make a sentence.
d. The importance of meaning. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, relationships between words and
time and event relationships
e. The pragmatic functions of language in varying contexts. It sees the individual as an active
communicator whose words and sentences are intentionally selected in relation to the effect the speaker
wishes to have on a listener.
13.4 Morphology is:
a. The knowledge a student has of sounds in language.
b. The smallest meaningful unit of language and involves the stringing together of sounds
c. The rules used in combining words to make a sentence.
d. The importance of meaning. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, relationships between words and
time and event relationships
e. The pragmatic functions of language in varying contexts. It sees the individual as an active
communicator whose words and sentences are intentionally selected in relation to the effect the speaker
wishes to have on a listener.
13.5 Syntax is:
a. The knowledge a student has of sounds in language.
b. The smallest meaningful unit of language and involves the stringing together of sounds
c. The rules used in combining words to make a sentence
d. The importance of meaning. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, relationships between words and
time and event relationships
e. The pragmatic functions of language in varying contexts. It sees the individual as an active
communicator whose words and sentences are intentionally selected in relation to the effect the speaker
wishes to have on a listener.
13.6 Content is:
a. The knowledge a student has of sounds in language.
b. The smallest meaningful unit of language and involves the stringing together of sounds
c. The rules used in combining words to make a sentence.
d. The importance of meaning. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, relationships between words and
time and event relationships
e. The pragmatic functions of language in varying contexts. It sees the individual as an active
communicator whose words and sentences are intentionally selected in relation to the effect the speaker
wishes to have on a listener.
13.7 Use means:
a. The knowledge a student has of sounds in language.
b. The smallest meaningful unit of language and involves the stringing together of sounds
c. The rules used in combining words to make a sentence.
d. The importance of meaning. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, relationships between words and
time and event relationships
e. The pragmatic functions of language in varying contexts. It sees the individual as an active
communicator whose words and sentences are intentionally selected in relation to the effect the speaker
wishes to have on a listener
13.8 A child with a speech disorder may have difficulty with which of the following:
a. Producing sounds properly
b. Speaking in a normal flow
c. Speaking with a normal rhythm
d. Using his or her voice in an effective way
e. All of the above
13.9 A child with a language disorder may exhibit which of the following:
a. difficulty in comprehending questions and following commands (receptive language)
b. difficulty in communicating ideas and thoughts (expressive language)
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
13.10 Speech and language evaluations are normally done by the:
a. Speech and language pathologists in the school
b. School psychologist
c. School nurse
d. Classroom teacher
13.11 Which of the following developmental events does NOT normally happen in the first year of life?
a. The child’s voice begins to rise and fall while making sounds
b. The child begins to understands certain words
c. The child begins to form words into short sentences
d. The child may perform an action when asked
e. The child may respond appropriately to the word or his own name
13.12 The PPVT-4, the TACL-4, and the CREVT-3 are examples of ________ tests
a. Intelligence
b. Achievement
c. Projective
d. Speech and language
e. Early intervention
13.13 The TOAL-4, TELD-3 and the PAT-3 are examples of ________ tests
a. Intelligence
b. Achievement
c. Projective
d. Speech and language
e. Early intervention
13.14 Apraxia is a motor disorder in which voluntary movement is impaired without muscle weakness.
a. True
b. False
13.15 ________ is the process by which sounds, syllables, and words are formed when the jaw, teeth,
tongue, lips, and palate alter the airstream coming through the vocal folds; it is the production of speech
a. Apraxia
b. Articulation
c. Voice
d. Aphasia
13.16 Cluttering occurs when speech becomes literally cluttered with faulty phrasing and unrelated words
to the extent that it is unintelligible.
a. True
b. False
13.17 ______ is the sound produced by humans and other vertebrates using the lungs and the vocal
folds in the larynx, or voice box.
a. Apraxia
b. Articulation
c. Voice
d. Aphasia
13.18 ____________ is a language disorder caused by damage to portions of the brain responsible for
language, which for most people is on the left side (hemisphere) of the brain.
a. Apraxia
b. Articulation
c. Voice
d. Aphasia
13.19 The most intensive period of speech and language development for humans is during the first
three years of life, a period when the brain is developing and maturing.
a. True
b. False
13.20 Expressive language disorders involve difficulties in the ability to attend to, process, comprehend,
retain, or integrate spoken language.
a. True
b. False

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