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Chapter 12
Multiple Choice Questions
12.1 When we evaluate a child's _______ we are looking to see if there is a deficit in some area of the
learning process that may be slowing down the processing of information, thereby interfering in the child's
ability to receive, organize, memorize or express information.
a. Academic achievement
b. Intelligence
c. Perceptual abilities
d. Psychological processes
12.2 Which of the following steps describes the learning process?
a. Input of Information, Organization of Information, Expression of Information
b. Organization of Information, Expression of Information, Input of Information
c. Expression of Information, Input of Information, Organization of Information
d. None of the above
12.3 Auditory Modality is:
a. The delivery of information through sound
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
12.4 Visual Modality is:
a. The delivery of information through sound
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
12.5 Tactile Modality is:
a. The delivery of information through sound
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
12.6 Kinesthetic Modality is:
a. The delivery of information through sound
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
12.7 Gustatory Modality is:
a. The delivery of information through taste
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
12.8 Olfactory Modality is
a. The delivery of information through taste
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
e. The delivery of information through smell
12.9 Reception is:
a. The initial receiving of information
b. The initial organization of information
c. Relating new information to other information and giving meaning to the information received
d. A storage or retrieval process
e. The output of information through vocal, motoric or written responses
12.10 Perception is:
a. The initial receiving of information
b. The initial organization of information
c. Relating new information to other information and giving meaning to the information received
d. A storage or retrieval process
e. The output of information through vocal, motoric or written responses
12.11 Association or Organization is:
a. The initial receiving of information
b. The initial organization of information
c. Relating new information to other information and giving meaning to the information received
d. A storage or retrieval process
e. The output of information through vocal, motoric or written responses
12.12 Expression is:
a. The initial receiving of information
b. The initial organization of information
c. Relating new information to other information and giving meaning to the information received
d. A storage or retrieval process
e. The output of information through vocal, motoric or written responses
12.13 The objective of a perceptual evaluation is:
a. To help determine the child's stronger and weaker modality for learning:
b. To help determine a child's stronger and weaker process areas:
c. To develop a learning profile
d. To help determine if the child's learning process deficits are suitable for a regular class
e. All of the above
12.14 The ability to follow and track objects with coordinated eye movements is called:
a. Visual coordination
b. Visual discrimination
c. Visual association
d. Visual long term memory
12.15 The ability to differentiate visually the forms and symbols in one’s environment is called:
a. Visual coordination
b. Visual discrimination
c. Visual association
d. Visual long term memory
12.16 The ability to organize and associate visually presented material in a meaningful way is called:
a. Visual coordination
b. Visual discrimination
c. Visual association
d. Visual long term memory
12.17 The ability to retain and recall general and specific short-term visual information is called:
a. Visual coordination
b. Visual discrimination
c. Visual association
d. Visual long term memory
12.18 The ability to retain and recall general and specific short-term auditory information:
a. Visual short-term memory
b. Visual sequential memory
c. Visual vocal expression
d. Visual motoric expression
12.19 The ability to recall in correct sequence and detail prior auditory information
a. Visual short-term memory
b. Visual sequential memory
c. Visual vocal expression
d. Visual motoric expression
12.20 The ability to vocally reproduce prior visually presented material or experiences:
a. Visual short-term memory
b. Visual sequential memory
c. Visual vocal expression
d. Visual motoric expression
12.21 The ability to motorically reproduce prior visually presented material or experiences:
a. Visual short-term memory
b. Visual sequential memory
c. Visual vocal expression
d. Visual motoric expression
12.22 A symptom of a student that may reflect perceptual disabilities is :
a. Exhibits poor motor coordination
b. Awkward motorically-frequent tripping, stumbling, bumps into things, has trouble skipping, jumping
c. Demonstrates restlessness, short attention span, perseveration
d. Exhibits poor handwriting, artwork, drawing
e. All of the above
12.23 A symptom of a student that may reflect perceptual disabilities is :
a. Exhibits reversals of b,d,p,q,u,n when writing beyond a chronological age of 7 or 8
b. Inverts numbers (17 for 71), reverses as well
c. Gives correct answers when teacher reads test, but can't put answers down on paper
d. Exhibits poor performance in group achievement tests
e. All of the above
12.24 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Visual-Receptive Process Disability?
a. The student does not enjoy books, pictures
b. The student fails to understand what is read
c. The student is unable to give a simple explanation of contents of a picture
d. The student is able to categorize pictures
12.25 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Visual-Association Disability?
a. The student is unable to tell a story from pictures; can only label objects in the pictures
b. The student is able to understand what he or she reads
c. The student fails to handle primary workbook tasks
d. The student needs auditory cues and clues
12.26 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Manual-Expressive Disability?
a. The student has poor handwriting and drawing
b. The student communicates infrequently with gestures
c. The student is excellent at "acting out" ideas, feelings
d. The student is clumsy, uncoordinated
e. The student plays games poorly
12.27 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Visual-Memory Disability?
a. The student exhibits frequent misspellings, even after undue practice
b. The student misspells his own name frequently
c. The student has little difficulty writing the alphabet, numbers, and computation facts
d. The student identifies words one day and fails to the next
12.28 The ability to differentiate auditorially the sounds in one’s environment is called:
a. Auditory discrimination
b. Auditory association
c. Auditory long term-memory
d. Auditory short-term memory
e. Auditory sequential memory
12.29 The ability to organize and associate auditorily presented material in a meaningful way is called:
a. Auditory discrimination
b. Auditory association
c. Auditory long term-memory
d. Auditory short-term memory
e. Auditory sequential memory
12.30 The ability to retain and recall general and specific long-term auditory information is called:
a. Auditory discrimination
b. Auditory association
c. Auditory long term-memory
d. Auditory short-term memory
e. Auditory sequential memory
12.31 The ability to retain and recall general and specific short-term auditory information is called:
a. Auditory discrimination
b. Auditory association
c. Auditory long term-memory
d. Auditory short-term memory
e. Auditory sequential memory
12.32 The ability to recall in correct sequence and detail prior auditory information is called:
a. Auditory discrimination
b. Auditory association
c. Auditory long term-memory
d. Auditory short-term memory
e. Auditory sequential memory
12.33 Which of the following is NOT an example of an Auditory Receptive Process Disability? The
a. Fails to comprehend what he or she hears
b. Exhibits good receptive vocabulary
c. Fails to identify sounds correctly
d. Fails to carry out directions
12.34 Which of the following is NOT an example of an Auditory Association Disability? The student:
a. Fails to enjoy being read to him by someone else
b. Has difficulty comprehending questions
c. Raises hand to answer question, but gives foolish response
d. Is quick to respond; takes little time to answer
e. Has difficulty with abstract concepts presented auditorily
12.35 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Verbal Expressive Disability? The student:
a. Mispronounces common words
b. Uses correct word endings and plurals
c. Omits correct verbal endings
d. Makes grammatical or syntactical errors that do not reflect those of his or her parents
e. Has difficulty blending sounds
12.36 Which of the following is NOT an example of a Auditory Memory Disability? The student:
a. Does not know address or phone number
b. Fails to remember instructions
c. Memorizing nursery rhymes or poems comes easily
d. Has difficulty knowing the alphabet
e. Has difficulty counting

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