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Chapter 11
Multiple Choice Questions
11.1 When a referral is made on a child for a suspected disability, a behavioral and emotional assessment
is a normal part of the psychoeducational evaluation.
a. True
b. False
11.2 Behavioral and emotional measures are usually administered and reported on by the:
a. School psychologist
b. School nurse
c. School social worker
d. Special education evaluator
11.3 The purpose of a(n) ________ assessment is to gain an awareness of what environmental factors, if
any, are influencing the behavior that the child is exhibiting.
a. Perceptual
b. Behavioral
c. Intellectual
d. Academic achievement
11.4 In order to do a complete and thorough evaluation of behavior, which of the following situations
should be assessed?
a. Observation of a specific situation.
b. Observation in various settings
c. Observation at different times during the day
d. All of the above
11.5 The first goal of observation is to determine the target behaviors.
a. True
b. False
11.6 ______ behaviors are those which the person seeks to observe when doing the observation.
a. Projective
b. Perceptual
c. Target
d. Performance
11.7 In which type of recording does the observer record all behaviors and interactions within a given
time frame (e.g. Recording a child’s behavior from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.)?
a. Anecdotal recording
b. Event recording
c. Latency recording
d. Duration recording
11.8 In which type of recording does the observer look specifically for one target behavior and record the
frequency with which it occurs?
a. Anecdotal recording
b. Event recording
c. Latency recording
d. Duration recording
11.9 In which type of recording does the observer determine the amount of time between a given stimulus
for the child and the response (e.g. The time it takes a student to get out his pencil after the teacher says
“Take out your pencil”)?
a. Anecdotal recording
b. Event recording
c. Latency recording
d. Duration recording
11.10 In which type of recording does the observer note the amount of time a target behavior occurs (e.g.
Watching a child for one hour who is supposed to be reading-The child reads only 12 minutes of that
a. Anecdotal recording
b. Event recording
c. Latency recording
d. Duration recording
11.11 Observations should provide which of the following?
a. The nature of the most frequently seen behaviors
b. Information which can be related to the types of services the child may need
c. Information to help with intervention plans and instructional goals for the child
d. Baseline information against which progress can be measured once intervention begins
e. All of the above
11.12 Interviews can be very effective because they are:
a. Personal
b. Emotional
c. Flexible.
d. All of the above
11.13 Which of the following interviews has a predetermined set of questions asked?
a. Structured Interview
b. Unstructured Interview
c. Both and b
d. Neither a nor b
11.14 Which of the following could have an adverse impact on a student during testing?
a. Noise
b. Poor lighting
c. The presence of antagonistic peers
d. An intimidating examiner
e. All of the above
11.15 The ability of a student to adapt or shift from one task to another without difficulty is a very
important factor in determining learning style and may be one predictor for his or her successful
completion of a task.
a. True
b. False
11.16 Assessment of a child's behaviors involves knowledge about all of the following EXCEPT:
a. The degree to which he or she believes that personal behaviors make a difference in his or her life
b. His or her tolerance for frustration
c. General activity level
d. How the child views him or herself
e. All of the above
11.17 _________ tests try to elicit feelings from the student about he or she feels about life through
projection of emotions.
a. Intelligence
b. Achievement
c. Visual-motor
d. Projective
11.18 The three most common types of _______ tests used in school systems for assessment are drawing
tests, apperception tests, and sentence completion tests
a. Intelligence
b. Achievement
c. Visual-motor
d. Projective
11.19 In which projective test does the examiner look for certain patterns in the drawings and the way in
which the child handles what is being asked of him?
a. Drawing tests
b. Apperception tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. None of the above
11.20 The Goodenough Harris and the DAP:SPED are examples of which type of projective test?
a. Drawing tests
b. Apperception tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. None of the above
11.21 _________ require the child to view various picture cards and “tell a story” about what it is he is
a. Drawing tests
b. Apperception tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. None of the above
11.22 The CAT and TAT are examples of:
a. Drawing tests
b. Apperception tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. None of the above
11.23 I could do better if ______” or “When I grow I _______” are examples of statements made on
a. TAT
b. CAT
d. Sentence Completion Test
11.24 A _________ gives a statement about a behavior of a child whereupon the individual has to rate
the frequency, intensity and/or duration.
a. Rating scale
b. Thematic test
c. Sentence completion test
d. Visual motor test
11.25 The tremendous value of a rating scale is that it allows the examiner to get a differing viewpoint
from other people who interact with the child.
a. True
b. False
11.26 The Conners 3 and the ADDES-3 are examples of:
a. Rating scales
b. Thematic tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. Visual motor tests
11.27 _________ refers to the effectiveness or degree with which individuals meet the standards of
personal independence and social responsibility expected for age and cultural groups.
a. Adaptive behavior
b. Projections
c. Standard scores
d. Clarifying behavior
11.28 When doing an evaluation of adaptive behavior there which area should be studied?
a. Communication
b. Community use
c. Self-direction
d. Health and safety
e. All of the above
11.29 When doing an evaluation of adaptive behavior there which area should be studied?
a. Self-care
b. Home living
c. Social skills
d. Leisure
e. All of the above
11.30 Perhaps the greatest problem with doing an assessment on adaptive behavior is the fact that many
of the scales and tests do not have high:
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
11.31 The ABAS-3 and the ABES-R are examples of:
a. Drawing tests
b. Apperception tests
c. Sentence completion tests
d. Adaptive behavior scales
11.32 The Vineland (VABS-2) is an example of a(n):
a. Drawing test
b. Apperception test
c. Sentence completion test
d. Adaptive behavior scale
11.33 Functional Behavioral Assessment can provide information about:
a. Why a student engages in certain behaviors
b. When a student will most likely engage in a behavior
c. Situations in which a behavior is least likely to occur
d. All of the above

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