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Chapter 10
Multiple Choice Questions
10.1 ________ is a general term referring to the ability to learn and to behave adaptively.
a. Academic achievement
b. Transitional assessment
c. Intelligence
d. None of the above
10.2 Which term/phrase is associated with intelligence?
a. Ability to learn
b. Adaptive behavior
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
10.3 In special education, intelligence testing is usually completed by a:
a. Psychologist
b. Special education teacher
c. Social worker
d. Physical therapist
10.4 Which of the professionals in special education do not need to understand intelligence tests and what
they mean?
a. Psychologist.
b. Special education teacher
c. Social worker
d. Physical therapist
e. All professionals in special education need to understand intelligence tests and what they mean
10.5 It is very important that special educators learn how to interpret the results of intellectual measures
so that they can:
a. Substantiate a diagnosis
b. Help determine learning style
c. Assist in making recommendations
d. Arrive at accurate levels of intellectual expectation
e. All of the above
10.6 Which skill does intelligence tests NOT attempt to measure?
a. Social judgment
b. Level of thinking
c. Language skills
d. Perceptual organization
e. Intelligence tests attempt to measure all of the above
10.7 Which skill does intelligence tests NOT attempt to measure?
a. Processing speed
b. Spatial abilities
c. Common sense
d. Long and short term memory
e. Intelligence tests attempt to measure all of the above
10.8 Which skill does intelligence tests NOT attempt to measure?
a. Abstract thinking
b. Motor speed
c. Word knowledge
d. Intelligence tests attempt to measure all of the above
10.9 On intelligence tests, responses to items concerning perceptual organization, processing speed, and
spatial abilities are less dependent on experience and verbal skill and more on hand-eye coordination and
reasoning abilities.
a. True
b. False
10.10 Most individually administered intelligence tests can determine, at least to some degree, a child's
ability to attend, process information quickly, distinguish relevant from less relevant details, put events in
sequence, and retrieve words from memory.
a. True
b. False
10.11 When children take intelligence tests they normally receive an overall:
a. ID score
b. IQ score
c. II score
d. IX score
10.12 IQ is an abbreviation for:
a. Intelligence Quotient
b. Intellectual Quality
c. Intelligence Quality
d. Intellectual Quasi terminology
10.13 The IQ score often represents a measure of the child’s overall potential relative to the norms of his
or her age group
a. True
b. False
10.14 On almost all intelligence tests, the mean IQ score is _____ with a standard deviation of _____.
a. 100/10
b. 100/15
c. 50/5
d. 50/15
10.15 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 73 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.16 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 83 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.17 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 93 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.18 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 103 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.19 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 113 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.20 For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, a score of 123 would represent a
classification of:
a. Borderline
b. Low Average
c. Average
d. High Average
e. Superior
10.21 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Developmentally Delayed range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.22 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Borderline range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.23 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Low Average range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.24 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Average range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.25 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the High Average range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.26 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Superior range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.27 The percentage of students that have an IQ in the Very Superior range is
a. 2.2
b. 6.7
c. 16.1
d. 50
10.28 Which of the following is NOT true about IQ scores:
a. IQ scores are less stable for school-aged children than for preschoolers and less stable among
individuals with disabilities than among those without disabilities.
b. IQ scores can change from childhood to adulthood.
c. It is likely that environmental factors, socioeconomic status, values, family structure, and genetic
factors all play a role in determining IQ scores.
d. Factors such as low birth weight, malnutrition, anoxia (lack of oxygen), and fetal alcohol exposure
have a negative impact on IQ scores.
e. Intelligence and academic achievement appear to be highly related.
10.29 Once an IQ score is calculated, the psychologist can make which determination?
a. The child's present overall levels of intellectual ability
b. The child's present verbal intellectual ability
c. The child's nonlanguage intellectual ability
d. Indications of greater intellectual potential
e. All of the above
10.30 Once an IQ score is calculated, the psychologist can make which determination?
a. Possible patterns involving learning style, i.e., verbal comprehension, concentration
b. Possible influence of tension and anxiety on testing results
c. Intellectual ability to deal with present grade-level academic demands
d. The influence of intellectual ability as a contributing factor to a child's past and present school
difficulties, i.e., limited intellectual ability found in retardation
e. All of the above
10.31 Which of the following is NOT an index on the WISC-V?
a. Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
b. Visual Spatial Index (VSI)
c. Common Sense Index (CSI)
d. Processing Speed Index (PSI)
10.32 On each subtest on the WISC-V, the student receives a scaled score, ranging from:
a. 1 to 10
b. 1 to 13
c. 1 to 19
d. 1 to 25
10.33 Scaled scores on the WISC-V have a mean of ____ and a standard deviation of _____.
a. 10/3
b. 10/5
c. 3/1
d. 100/15
10.34 Which of the following is NOT an index on the WISC-V?
a. Working Memory Index (VCI)
b. Fluid Reasoning Index (FSI)
c. Reading Speed Index (RI)
d. Processing Speed Index (PSI)
10.35 A scaled score of 7 on one of the Wechsler subtests would represent a classification of:
a. Low Average
b. Average
c. High Average
d. Superior
10.36 A scaled score of 10 on one of the Wechsler subtests would represent a classification of:
a. Low Average
b. Average
c. High Average
d. Superior
10.37 A scaled score of 13 on one of the Wechsler subtests would represent a classification of:
a. Low Average
b. Average
c. High Average
d. Superior
10.38 A scaled score of 15 on one of the Wechsler subtests would represent a classification of:
a. Low Average
b. Average
c. High Average
d. Superior
10.39 The Wechsler scale to use for a child 5 years old would be the:
10.40 The Wechsler scale to use for a student 13 years old would be the:
10.41 The Wechsler scale to use for an adult 25 years old would be the:
10.42 The WISC-V is :
a. An individualized IQ test
b. A group IQ test
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
10.43 The Stanford Binet-5 comprises ____ tests divided according to _____ areas:
a. 15/2
b. 15/4
c. 17/10
d. 14/3
10.44 Which of the following is not an area on the Stanford Binet-5?
a. Verbal Reasoning
b. Quantitative Reasoning
c. Abstract/Visual Reasoning
d. Projective Reasoning
10.45 Which of the following is NOT a subtest on the KABC-2?
a. Hand Movements
b. Number Recall
c. Word Order
d. Similarities
10.46 Which intelligence test measures the six cognitive areas of Vocabulary, General Information,
Similarities and Differences, Comprehension, Quantitative, and Auditory Memory?
b. K-BIT-2
c. K-ABC-2
d. Slosson Intelligence Test-R3
10.47 Which intelligence test has no oral responses, reading, writing or object manipulation involved?
b. K-BIT-2
c. K-ABC-2
d. C-TONI-2
10.4 e
10.5 e
10.6 e
10.7 e
10.8 e
10.9 a
10.10 a
10.11 b
10.12 a
10.13 a
10.14 b
10.15 a
10.16 b
10.17 c
10.18 c
10.19 d
10.20 e
10.21 a
10.22 b
10.23 c
10.24 d
10.25 c
10.26 b
10.27 a
10.28 a
10.29 e
10.30 e
10.31 c
10.32 c
10.33 a
10.34 c
10.35 a
10.36 b
10.37 c
10.38 d
10.39 c
10.40 a
10.41 b
10.42 a
10.43 b
10.44 d

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