978-0134073545 Chapter 14 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2318
subject Authors Alan P. Trujillo, Harold V. Thurman

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Essentials of Oceanography, 12e (Trujillo)
Chapter 14 Animals of the Pelagic Environment
14.1 Matching Questions
Match the organism with the correct caudal fin shape. Not all answers will be used.
A) truncate caudal fin
B) rounded caudal fin
C) lunate caudal fin
D) forked caudal fin
E) heterocercal caudal fin
1) blue marlin
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
5) herring
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Match the organism with the correct taxonomic classification. Not all answers will be used.
A) Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti
B) Order Cetacea, Suborder Mysticeti
C) Order Sirenia
D) Order Carnivora
9) bottlenose dolphin
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
14) sperm whale
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.4 What Characteristics Do Marine Mammals Possess?
14.2 Multiple Choice Questions
1) The function of a swim bladder is ________.
A) to assist the organism in steering with the currents
B) to increase the density of the organism to keep it afloat
C) to increase the surface area of the organism to prevent sinking
D) to prevent predators from eating the puffer fish
E) to allow a fish to change position in the water column
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
2) Which of the following is a member of the Phylum Cnidaria?
A) Copepod
B) Jellyfish
C) Nautilus
D) Salp
E) Sea gooseberry
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
3) Identify the mismatched pair.
A) Arrow worm—Chaetognath
B) Krill—Crustacea
C) Physalia—Cnidarian
D) Sea gooseberry—Ctenophore
E) Squid—Annelid
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
4) Microscopic, shrimplike animals that have a hard exoskeleton that can be either herbivorous,
carnivorous, or parasitic are called ________.
A) radiolarians
B) foraminifers
C) copepods
D) cnidarians
E) fishes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
5) Which set of fins is used for turning and braking?
A) Anal and caudal
B) Anal and dorsal
C) Caudal and dorsal
D) Caudal and pelvic
E) Pectoral and pelvic
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
6) Which set of fins is used as stabilizers?
A) Anal and caudal
B) Anal and dorsal
C) Caudal and dorsal
D) Caudal and pelvic
E) Pectoral and pelvic
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
7) Which set of fins is used for moving fast?
A) Anal and dorsal
B) Caudal and dorsal
C) Caudal and pectoral
D) Pectoral and anal
E) Anal and pelvic
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
8) The shape of the caudal fin of a shark is referred to as ________.
A) forked
B) heterocercal
C) lunate
D) rounded
E) truncate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
9) The caudal fin of fast-cruising fish such as tuna is ________.
A) forked
B) heterocercal
C) lunate
D) rounded
E) truncate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
10) The caudal fin shape that is asymmetrical, with most of the mass in the upper lobe, is a
A) rounded fin
B) truncate fin
C) lunate fin
D) heterocercal fin
E) forked fin
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.1 How Are Marine Organisms Able to Stay Above the Ocean Floor?
Essent'l Concept: 14.1 Compare the various methods by which marine organisms are able to
avoid sinking through the water column
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
11) Which of the following affect the ability of species to capture food?
A) Body length
B) Body temperature
C) Circulatory system
D) Speed
E) Body length, body temperature, circulatory system and speed affect the ability of pelagic
organisms to capture food.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
12) An example of a "cruiser" is a ________.
A) flounder
B) grouper
C) mackerel
D) shark
E) tuna
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
13) The muscle tissue of a "lunger" is predominantly ________.
A) blue
B) gray
C) pink
D) red
E) white
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
14) Which of the following characteristics is not found in cruising fishes such as tuna?
A) They swim constantly in search of prey.
B) Their muscle tissues are mostly red.
C) They are capable of short periods of high-speed swimming.
D) They tend to have lunate tails.
E) They rely on a swim bladder for neutral buoyancy.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
15) Cruisers are thought to have relatively high body temperature because ________.
A) it assists them in predator avoidance
B) it helps them blend more easily with their environment
C) it increases the power output of muscle tissue
D) they are cold blooded
E) they only need to move periodically
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
16) An organism such as a fish whose body temperature is nearly the same as the environment is
referred to as ________.
A) homeothermic
B) warm-blooded
C) poikilothermic
D) endothermic
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
17) Organisms such as a mackerel sharks and tunas that can maintain a relatively constant body
temperature are referred to as ________.
A) homeothermic
B) cold-blooded
C) poikilothermic
D) ectothermic
E) None of the above is correct.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
18) Which of the following is not an adaptation of deep-sea fishes?
A) Hinged jaws
B) Large mouths with sharp, needle-like teeth
C) Large body sizes
D) Counter-illumination
E) Good sensory devices such as sensitive lateral lines
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
19) Which of the following is not one of the reasons bioluminescence is employed by deep-sea
A) Attracting food
B) Communication
C) Counter illumination
D) Predator avoidance
E) Warning coloration
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 14.2 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess for Seeking Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.2 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for seeking prey
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
20) Pick the pair which does not fit the pattern.
A) Clown fish—anemone
B) Isopod—fish
C) Krill—whale
D) Remora—shark
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 14.3 What Adaptations Do Pelagic Organisms Possess to Avoid Being Prey?
Essent'l Concept: 14.3 Specify adaptations that pelagic organisms possess for avoiding being
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.

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