978-0134073545 Chapter 13 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2213
subject Authors Alan P. Trujillo, Harold V. Thurman

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15) Productivity in polar oceans is ________.
A) light-limited
B) nutrient-limited
C) oxygen-limited
D) light- and nutrient-limited
E) nutrient- and oxygen-limited
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.3 How Does Regional Primary Productivity Vary?
Essent'l Concept: 13.3 Explain variations in regional oceanic primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
16) Productivity in tropical oceans is generally ________.
A) light-limited
B) nutrient-limited
C) oxygen-limited
D) light- and nutrient-limited
E) nutrient- and oxygen-limited
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.3 How Does Regional Primary Productivity Vary?
Essent'l Concept: 13.3 Explain variations in regional oceanic primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
17) Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low, which of the following
tropical locations have unusually high primary productivity rates?
A) Equatorial downwelling zones
B) Coastal upwelling zones
C) Hypoxic zones
D) Dead zones
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.3 How Does Regional Primary Productivity Vary?
Essent'l Concept: 13.3 Explain variations in regional oceanic primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
18) In temperate oceans of the northern hemisphere during the winter months ________.
A) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and water temperatures decrease
B) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and water temperatures decrease
C) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and water temperatures increase
D) nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and water temperatures decrease
E) nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is low, and water temperatures decrease
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.3 How Does Regional Primary Productivity Vary?
Essent'l Concept: 13.3 Explain variations in regional oceanic primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
19) In temperate oceans of the northern hemisphere during the summer months ________.
A) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and dissolved oxygen decreases
B) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen decreases
C) nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen increases
D) nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen decreases
E) nutrient concentrations are low, solar input is high, and dissolved oxygen increases
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.3 How Does Regional Primary Productivity Vary?
Essent'l Concept: 13.3 Explain variations in regional oceanic primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
20) Nutrient flow in an ecosystem is ________.
A) bi-directional
B) cyclical
C) semi-conservative
D) top down
E) unidirectional
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
21) Energy flow in an ecosystem is ________.
A) bi-directional
B) cyclic
C) semi-conservative
D) top down
E) unidirectional
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
22) The efficiency of trophic transfers in ecosystems is on average around ________.
A) 75%
B) 50%
C) 30%
D) 10%
E) 5%
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
23) If 10,000 kilocalories (kcal) of energy were contained in the primary producers (trophic level
1), on average how many kcal of energy would you expect to be transferred to second-order
consumers (trophic level 3)?
A) 10,000 kcal
B) 1,000 kcal
C) 100 kcal
D) 10 kcal
E) 1 kcal
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
24) The area of the ocean that produces the largest standing stock of commercial fish is in the
A) coastal areas
B) bathypelagic zone
C) mesopelagic zone
D) tropical areas
E) upwelling areas
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.5 What Issues Affect Marine Fisheries?
Essent'l Concept: 13.5 Evaluate several issues that affect marine fisheries
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.; 6 The ocean and humans
are inextricably interconnected.
Global Sci Out: 7
25) The mass of a population of fish present at a given time is called its ________.
A) diversity
B) fish stock
C) maximum sustainable yield
D) recruitment mass
E) standing stock
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.5 What Issues Affect Marine Fisheries?
Essent'l Concept: 13.5 Evaluate several issues that affect marine fisheries
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.; 6 The ocean and humans
are inextricably interconnected.
Global Sci Out: 7
26) The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is best defined as ________.
A) annual harvest that will balance natural mortality and predation
B) largest catch that can be taken without overfishing
C) largest catch that will cover the minimum cost of fishing
D) maximum fishing effort allowed after overfishing occurs
E) minimum catch that will still allow the population to increase
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.5 What Issues Affect Marine Fisheries?
Essent'l Concept: 13.5 Evaluate several issues that affect marine fisheries
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.; 6 The ocean and humans
are inextricably interconnected.
Global Sci Out: 7
27) Catches above the maximum sustainable yield ________.
A) can be increased to prevent overfishing
B) produce decreased fishing effort
C) result in increased populations of the target species
D) result in overfishing
E) result in underutilization of the target species
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.5 What Issues Affect Marine Fisheries?
Essent'l Concept: 13.5 Evaluate several issues that affect marine fisheries
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.; 6 The ocean and humans
are inextricably interconnected.
Global Sci Out: 7
28) The term bycatch or incidental catch refers to ________.
A) krill and other shellfish
B) non-target species that are caught along with commercial species
C) species caught as part of traditional fisheries
D) species harvested for industrial purposes
E) species raised in aquaculture settings
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.5 What Issues Affect Marine Fisheries?
Essent'l Concept: 13.5 Evaluate several issues that affect marine fisheries
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.; 6 The ocean and humans
are inextricably interconnected.
Global Sci Out: 7
29) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
A) Lower rates of photosynthesis
B) High light levels
C) Increased nitrogen concentration
D) Increased phosphorus concentration
E) Upwelling
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
30) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
A) Avicennia (black mangrove)
B) Rhizophora fired mangrove)
C) Sargassum (Gulf weed)
D) Spartina (marsh grass)
E) Zostera (eelgrass)
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.2 What Kinds of Photosynthetic Marine Organisms Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 13.2 Describe various kinds of photosynthetic marine organisms
31) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
A) Anthophyta
B) Chlorophyta
C) Chrysophyta
D) Phaeophyta
E) Pyrrophyta
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.2 What Kinds of Photosynthetic Marine Organisms Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 13.2 Describe various kinds of photosynthetic marine organisms
32) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
A) Bacteriovores
B) Carnivores
C) Decomposers
D) Biogeochemical cycle
E) Herbivores
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
33) Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
A) Autotrophic
B) Carnivorous feeding
C) Deposit feeding
D) Filter feeding
E) Suspension feeding
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying/Analyzing
Section: 13.4 How Are Energy and Nutrients Passed Along in Marine Ecosystems?
Essent'l Concept: 13.4 Discuss how energy and nutrients are passed along in marine ecosystems
34) What percent of the ocean's biomass relies either directly or indirectly on organic matter
supplied by photosynthetic primary productivity?
A) 98.00%
B) 98.50%
C) 99.50%
D) 99.90%
E) 100%
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
35) Primary productivity data of the oceans is collected using satellites which measure
A) biomass
B) color
C) oxygen
D) radioactivity
E) temperature
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
36) In the clearest ocean water, solar energy may be detected to depths of ________.
A) 20 meters
B) 100 meters
C) one kilometer
D) one to two kilometers
E) two to three kilometers
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
37) The euphotic zone in the open ocean extends from the surface down to approximately
A) 20 meters
B) 100 meters
C) one kilometer
D) one to two kilometers
E) two to three kilometers
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
38) A Secchi disk is used to measure water ________.
A) acidy
B) density
C) salinity
D) temperature
E) transparency
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
39) Which of the following is not an important seawater nutrients needed by phytoplankton?
A) Iron
B) Nitrogen
C) Phosphorus
D) Silica
E) Sodium
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
40) When nutrients are not limiting productivity, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus in
the tissues of algae is in the proportion of ________ (C:N:P).
A) 16:16:01
B) 106:16:01
C) 16:106:01
D) 106:16:16
E) 106:106:1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
41) The concentration of which of the following nutrients limits productivity in the waters near
Antarctica and the Galapagos Islands?
A) Iron
B) Nitrogen
C) Phosphorus
D) Silica
E) Sodium
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
42) When compared to coastal regions, solar energy extends ________ into the water column
and concentrations of nutrients are ________ in the open ocean.
A) deeper; greater
B) deeper; lower
C) less; greater
D) less; lower
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
43) When compared to the open ocean, solar energy extends ________ into the water column
and concentrations of nutrients are ________ in coastal regions.
A) deeper; greater
B) deeper; lower
C) less; greater
D) less; lower
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7
44) Which of the following are high energy charged particles, originating in outer space?
A) Cosmic Rays
B) Gamma Rays
C) Ultraviolet Radiation
D) Visible Light
E) X-rays
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering/Understanding
Section: 13.1 What Is Primary Productivity?
Essent'l Concept: 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanisms that control marine
primary productivity
OSLP: 5 The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Global Sci Out: 7

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