978-0134024554 Chapter 32 Part 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 2093
subject Authors Bob Murray, Daniel J. Limmer EMT-P, Edward T. Dickinson Medical Editor, Harvey Grant, J. David Bergeron, Michael F. O'Keefe

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44) Traditionally an APGAR score is taken at what time intervals after birth?
A) 5 and 10 minutes
B) 2 and 7 minutes
C) 1 and 5 minutes
D) 1 and 6 minutes
Objective: 32.11
45) Normal maternal blood loss during delivery of an infant usually does not exceed how much?
A) 100 cc
B) 250 cc
C) 1,000 cc
D) 500 cc
Objective: 32.12
46) Which of the following should the EMT do to control maternal bleeding after delivery of the
A) Apply direct pressure with a sanitary napkin over any perineal lacerations.
B) Allow the infant to nurse, if possible.
C) Massage the uterus until it is firm and grapefruit-sized.
D) All of the above
Objective: 32.12
47) You have delivered a newborn and wrapped the baby in a dry blanket. During your
reassessment of the mother, you note continued moderate vaginal bleeding. Care for this
bleeding may involve all of the following except:
A) applying firm pressure with a sanitary napkin over the vaginal opening.
B) massaging the uterus to control bleeding.
C) having the mother squeeze her legs together to provide direct pressure.
D) elevating the mother's feet.
Objective: 32.12
48) You respond for an imminent delivery of a baby in the breech position. As you examine the
mother, you see that the umbilical cord is protruding from the opening of the cervix. You realize
that the most important care you can provide for this baby is to:
A) keep the baby off of the cord.
B) provide oxygen to the mother.
C) gently push the cord back into the vaginal space.
D) wrap the cord to prevent heat loss.
Objective: 32.13
49) In which of the following situations should the mother be transported immediately?
A) The mother experiences a severe, tearing sensation in her abdomen during labor and the
outline of the fetus can be felt through the abdominal wall.
B) The infant's arm is the presenting part.
C) Delivery is not imminent and there is about 500 cc of painless, bright red bleeding.
D) All of the above
Objective: 32.13
50) If the baby's umbilical cord is noted to be wrapped around his neck after the head is
delivered, which of the following should be done?
A) Clamp the cord in two places, but do not cut it until the baby is delivered.
B) Try to slip the cord over the baby's head and shoulder.
C) Transport emergently without further intervention.
D) Immediately cut the cord before delivering the baby.
Objective: 32.13
51) Which of the following is indicated in the prehospital management of a prolapsed umbilical
A) Immediately clamp the cord in two places and cut it between the clamps.
B) Encourage the mother to push forcefully in order to speed delivery.
C) Use your gloved hand to push the umbilical cord back up through the cervix.
D) Place the mother in a head-down position with pillows under her hips.
Objective: 32.13
52) Which of the following is true concerning prehospital delivery of twins?
A) There are always two placentas.
B) The umbilical cord of the first infant must not be cut until the second infant is born.
C) This is a true emergency and cannot be managed outside the hospital setting without
additional help.
D) The infants will probably be smaller than a single infant and need attention in keeping them
Objective: 32.13
53) By definition, a premature infant is one who is born before how many weeks of the
A) 40
B) 37
C) 34
D) 28
Objective: 32.13
54) Which of the following is appropriate when caring for a premature baby?
A) Wrapping the infant in a blanket, covering his head, and keeping the temperature in the
ambulance between 90°F and 100°F
B) Deeply suctioning the airway with a rigid tonsil-tip
C) Applying high-concentration oxygen with a neonatal nonrebreather mask
D) Encouraging family members to hold the infant
Objective: 32.13
55) An infant's birth weight is considered low if it is less than ________ pounds.
A) 4.5
B) 2.5
C) 5.5
D) 3.5
Objective: 32.13
56) Which of the following is true of premature infants?
A) They are at risk for respiratory difficulty.
B) They are more susceptible to infection.
C) They can easily develop hypothermia.
D) All of the above
Objective: 32.13
57) Which of the following is the highest priority to the EMT in delivery of an infant with
meconium-stained amniotic fluid?
A) Checking for fever
B) Vigorously rubbing the infant's back immediately upon delivery to stimulate breathing
C) Being prepared to suction the infant immediately before he takes a breath
D) None of the above
Objective: 32.13
58) Which of the following is a common sign of a pre-delivery emergency?
A) Contractions become more intense and closer together.
B) The amniotic sac ruptures.
C) The placenta fails to deliver within 20 minutes of the infant's birth.
D) There is profuse vaginal bleeding.
Objective: 32.14
59) You are called for a woman with severe abdominal pain. During your assessment and
interview, she tells you that she is sexually active and there is a chance she could be pregnant.
Her vital signs are pulse 122, respirations 22, blood pressure 96/62, and skin cool and pale. You
should immediately suspect:
A) placenta previa.
B) ectopic pregnancy.
C) appendicitis.
D) internal bleeding.
Objective: 32.14

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