978-0134024554 Chapter 28 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2849
subject Authors Bob Murray, Daniel J. Limmer EMT-P, Edward T. Dickinson Medical Editor, Harvey Grant, J. David Bergeron, Michael F. O'Keefe

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Emergency Care, 13e (Limmer et al.)
Chapter 28 Musculoskeletal Trauma
1) Which of the following structures connect bone ends, making joints more stable?
A) Ligaments
B) Cartilage
C) Tendons
D) Periosteum
Objective: 28.1
2) Which of the following allows for smooth movement of bone surfaces against one another at
A) Smooth muscle
B) Ligaments
C) Peritoneum
D) Cartilage
Objective: 28.1
3) The sound or feeling of the ends of broken bones rubbing together is called:
A) crepitus.
B) krepitus.
C) crapilation.
D) breakilation.
Objective: 28.1
4) Which one of the following definitions is NOT true?
A) A sprain is the stretching and tearing of ligaments.
B) Tendons connect muscles to ligaments.
C) Another name for manual traction is tension.
D) Joints are places where bones articulate.
Objective: 28.1
5) The part of the skeleton that is made up from the skull and spinal column is called the:
A) appendicular skeleton.
B) boney skeleton.
C) axial skeleton.
D) torso.
Objective: 28.2
6) Where could you find the phalange bones?
A) Upper extremities
B) Lower extremities
C) Skull and neck
D) Hands and feet
Objective: 28.2
7) Which of the following bones is found in the chest?
A) Tarsals
B) Ilium
C) Sternum
D) Metacarpals
Objective: 28.2
8) The strong white fibrous material called the periosteum:
A) covers the bones.
B) protects the perineum.
C) surrounds the heart.
D) surrounds the abdominal cavity.
Objective: 28.2
9) Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Cartilage is connective tissue that covers the outside of the bone end and acts as a surface for
B) Tendons are bands of connective tissue that bind the ligaments to muscles.
C) Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone.
D) Muscles are the tissues or fibers that cause movement of body parts or organs.
Objective: 28.2
10) Your patient is a 12-year-old female who fell onto her outstretched hands while rollerblading.
She has a deformity of her forearm, about 2 inches proximal to her wrist. This injury is a result
of which of the following mechanisms?
A) Direct force
B) Indirect force
C) Sudden acceleration
D) Twisting motion
Objective: 28.3
11) Your patient is a 70-year-old male whose tractor rolled over onto him. Your assessment
makes you suspicious that the patient has a fractured pelvis. Which of the following
complications should you anticipate?
A) Shock
B) Damage to internal organs
C) Damage to the nerves of the lower extremities
D) All of the above
Objective: 28.3
12) Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of musculoskeletal injury?
A) Direct force
B) Indirect force
C) Twisting or rotational forces
D) Extensive force
Objective: 28.3
13) Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) A fracture is any break in a bone.
B) A comminuted break is when a bone is broken in only one place.
C) A greenstick break is an incomplete break in a bone.
D) An angulated break is when the broken bone is bent at an angle.
Objective: 28.4
14) Which one of the following statements is NOT true concerning a knee injury?
A) Fractures can occur to the proximal femur.
B) Fractures can occur to the proximal tibia and fibula.
C) Fractures can occur to the patella.
D) There could be pain and tenderness.
Objective: 28.4
15) Which of the following is an injury to the musculature of an extremity?
A) Luxation
B) Strain
C) Fracture
D) Sprain
Objective: 28.4
16) Which of the following describes an open extremity injury?
A) A gunshot wound has penetrated the skin and then fractured the bone.
B) Bone ends have lacerated the soft tissues and skin from the inside.
C) The joint capsule has been torn open during a dislocation.
D) Both A and B
Objective: 28.4
17) Although it can be difficult to definitively determine hip dislocation in the field, certain signs
and symptoms are usually there. Which of the following statements is false?
A) An anterior hip dislocation would probably present with the entire lower limb rotated inward
and the hip would usually be flexed.
B) A posterior hip dislocation presents with a bent knee and the foot may hang loose.
C) The posterior hip dislocation is the most common.
D) Often there is lack of sensation in the limb.
Objective: 28.4
18) Distinguishing between a knee dislocation and a patella dislocation can sometimes be
difficult. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) In a patellar dislocation, the knee will be stuck in flexion but the knee cap will not be
B) In a knee dislocation, the tibia is forced anteriorly or posteriorly in relation to the distal femur.
C) You should always check for a distal pulse.
D) The lack of a distal pulse could be a signal of a real emergency.
Objective: 28.4
19) Which of the following is a complication of bone fractures?
A) Nerve damage
B) Swelling
C) Hemorrhage
D) All of the above
Objective: 28.5
20) A traction splint may be used on which of the following musculoskeletal injuries?
A) Possible fracture of the cervical spine
B) Possible fracture of the femur
C) Suspected multiple fractures of the femur, tibia, and fibula
D) Possible fracture of the humerus
Objective: 28.5
21) Which of the following BEST describes the compartment syndrome?
A) A serious condition caused by the amount of equipment that must be carried in the ambulance
B) A life-threatening condition caused by trapping the blood flow by a fracture when the bone
ends cut the blood vessels
C) A serious condition caused by the bleeding and swelling from a fracture or crush injury that
becomes so strong that the body can no longer perfuse the tissues against that pressure
D) A non-life-threatening condition caused by orthopedic injuries in which blood flow is stopped
when the bone ends compress the blood vessels
Objective: 28.5
22) Which of the following is appropriate in the examination of a painful, swollen extremity of a
conscious patient?
A) Gently attempting to flex the mid-portion of the bone to check for angulation
B) Asking the patient to see if he can bear weight on the extremity
C) Comparing the injured side to the uninjured side
D) Seeing if you can elicit crepitus on palpation
Objective: 28.5
23) When the EMT is assessing compromise to an extremity, perhaps due to an orthopedic injury,
the EMT should initially check what "six Ps"?
A) Pain, pallor, position, pulses, placement, and pressure
B) Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulses, placement, and pressure
C) Pain, pallor, position, pulses, placement, and pad
D) Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulses, paralysis, and pressure
Objective: 28.5

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