978-0133546231 Chapter 09 Part 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1786
subject Authors Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich

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84) The relation state specifying that nonprimary key attributes do not depend on other
nonprimary key attributes is:
A) first normal form.
B) second normal form.
C) Boyce-Codd normal form.
D) third normal form.
E) fifth normal form.
Classification: Concept
85) The dependence of nonprimary key attributes on other nonprimary key attributes best
describes a:
A) relationship dependency.
B) transitive dependency.
C) weak attribute.
D) weak entity.
E) weak relationship.
Classification: Concept
86) An attribute that appears as a nonkey attribute in one relation and as a primary key attribute
(or part of a primary key) in another relation is a:
A) foreign key.
B) candidate key.
C) pointer.
D) relationship key.
E) marker.
Classification: Concept
87) If OrderNumber serves as the primary key in the ORDER relation and also appears as a
nonkey attribute in the INVOICE relation, then OrderNumber is said to be a:
A) foreign key.
B) candidate key.
C) pointer.
D) relationship key.
E) marker.
Classification: Application
88) The integrity constraint that specifies that the value (or existence) of an attribute in one
relation depends on the value (or existence) of the same attribute in another relation is called:
A) foreign integrity.
B) attribute integrity.
C) referential integrity.
D) dependence integrity.
E) join integrity.
Classification: Concept
89) Which is the primary key(s) in the following STUDENT_GRADE(StudentID, CourseID,
B) StudentID
C) CourseID
D) StudentID, CourseID
E) Grade
Classification: Application
90) Given the relation EMPLOYEE(ID#, LastName, ProjectID, ProjectName) and ProjectID can
determine ProjectName, but not last name, the relation violates:
A) 1st normal form.
B) Mills normal form.
C) 2nd normal form.
D) 3rd normal form.
E) Olsen normal form.
Classification: Application
91) Each regular entity type in an E-R diagram is transformed into a:
A) row in a relation.
B) column in a relation.
C) relation.
D) tuple in a relation.
E) database.
Classification: Concept
92) When transforming an E-R diagram into normalized relations, the identifier of the entity type
A) the primary key of the corresponding relation.
B) the foreign key in the corresponding relation.
C) a nonkey attribute in the corresponding relation.
D) a secondary key in the corresponding relation.
E) a homonym in the corresponding relation.
Classification: Concept
93) Which of the following properties should be satisfied when the identifier of the entity type
becomes the primary key of the corresponding relation?
A) The value of the key must uniquely identify every row in the relation.
B) The key should serve as a foreign key in at least two other relations.
C) The key must be a composite of a primary key and a secondary key.
D) The key should be an intelligent key.
E) The key should allow for null values.
Classification: Concept
94) An entity whose primary key depends on the primary key of another entity is called a:
A) referential entity.
B) candidate entity.
C) transitive entity.
D) dependent entity.
E) weak entity.
Classification: Concept
95) A binary one-to-many relationship in an E-R diagram is best represented by:
A) the creation of a separate relation; the primary key of this new relation is a composite key
consisting of the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship.
B) adding the primary key attribute (or attributes) of the entity on the one side of the relationship
as a foreign key in the relation that is on the many side of the relationship.
C) adding the primary key attribute (or attributes) of the entity on the many side of the
relationship as a foreign key in the relation that is on the one side of the relationship.
D) creating a relation with a composite primary key and nonkey attributes.
E) none of the above.
Classification: Concept
96) For a binary one-to-one relationship between two entities A and B, the relationship is
represented by:
A) adding the primary key of A as a foreign key of B.
B) adding the primary key of C as a foreign key of D.
C) combining the two entities into one relation.
D) creating a third relation to represent the relationship between the two entities.
E) deleting the primary keys.
Classification: Concept
97) Another name for a unary relationship is a:
A) recursive relationship
B) composite relationship
C) recovering relationship.
D) partial relationship
E) transitive relationship
Classification: Concept
98) For a binary many-to-many relationship existing between entity types A and B:
A) a separate relation C is created; the primary key of relation C is a composite key consisting of
the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship.
B) the primary keys of relation A and relation B become foreign keys in a new relation C.
C) secondary keys are used to establish the relationship.
D) place the primary key of either entity in the relation for the other entity or do this for both
E) Entity A and B are merged into one.
Classification: Concept
99) Given a FACULTY relation that includes both faculty and faculty sponsors attributes from
the same data, this would be considered a:
A) binary relationship.
B) transitive relationship.
C) recursive relationship.
D) dependent relationship.
E) singular relationship.
Classification: Application
100) A foreign key in a relation that references the primary key values of that same relation is
referred to as a:
A) secondary key.
B) recursive foreign key.
C) composite key.
D) complex key.
E) concatenated key.
Classification: Concept
101) Outline the four key steps in logical database modeling and design.
Classification: Synthesis
102) Identify the five properties of a relation.
Classification: Synthesis
103) Discuss the rules for normalization.
Classification: Synthesis
104) Briefly identify the three file organizations.
Classification: Synthesis

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