978-0132814546 Chapter 18 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 2116
subject Authors Eleanor J. Sullivan

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Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1: Taking notes does save time for the manager when evaluations are written or if other issues come up
on the unit.
Rationale 2: On a busy unit, the manager must rely on written notes as a reminder of issues that should be
discussed with staff.
Rationale 3: Note taking is quick and this statement does not provide rationale for why notes are taken.
Rationale 4: Notes will help the manager remember what should be addressed in staff meetings.
Rationale 5: Having notes about the incidents cited in evaluations helps to protect the manager in case a staff
member disputes the situation.
Global Rationale:
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: 18-4: Explain how to use critical incidents to improve annual evaluations.
Question 14
Type: MCSA
During appraisal interviews, the nurse manager defends the choice of rating by emphasizing the negative aspects
of the nurse’s performance. What is the likely outcome of this strategy?
1. The nurse will clearly see the impact of attitude on performance.
2. The nurse will identify ways that performance can be improved.
3. The nurse will pay less attention to maintaining what is done well.
4. The nurse will ignore the negative statements and focus only on the positive.
Rationale 4: The nurse is unlikely to simply ignore the negative statements and will probably not focus on ways
to improve as well as if positive statements had also been made.
Global Rationale:
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: 18-2: Discuss different methods used to evaluate performance.
Question 15
Type: MCSA
A nurse manager believes that a staff nurse is rude to clients. In the past year, other nurses and staff from other
departments have reported that the nurse has treated them rudely. The manager reviews the staff nurse’s employee
file and finds last years appraisal as exceptional. What is the managers best course of action during this years
1. Tell the nurse that complaints about rudeness have been received and that additional complaints will result in
2. Notify nursing administration of the issues and complaints.
3. Tell the nurse that other staff nurses have complained about rudeness and have been instructed to keep a log of
4. Include documentation of these issues in the evaluation that is discussed with the nurse and provide a plan of
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Sullivan, Effective Leadership and Management, 8/e Test Bank
Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Learning Outcome: 18-2: Discuss different methods used to evaluate performance.
Question 16
Type: MCSA
An emergency department nurse manager is preparing for a night-shift nurse’s annual appraisal. The manager is
apprehensive because there are issues to address regarding rudeness and unprofessional behavior. How should the
manager prepare for conducting this appraisal?
1. Place the evaluation in an envelope with specific details addressing the nurse’s behavior and allow the nurse to
review it during his or her next shift.
2. The manager should complete the evaluation and ask a peer to review it and provide feedback.
3. The manager should arrange a 20–30 minute meeting with the nurse to discuss the evaluation privately.
4. The manager should allow the human resources manager to conduct the appraisal.
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: 18-5: Explain how to conduct a performance appraisal interview.
Question 17
Type: MCSA
A nurse manager has discussed behavioral and unprofessional behaviors with a nurse. During the performance
appraisal the manager addressed these issues and the two nurses have developed a specific plan to address the
performance areas that can be strengthened. What should the managers next course of action be?
1. Take notes of the nurse’s behavior during the appraisal.
Sullivan, Effective Leadership and Management, 8/e Test Bank
2. Inquire as to the nurse’s perception of the appraisal.
3. Schedule a follow-up session to determine if the nurse has made progress in the areas specified.
4. Schedule the next annual appraisal.
Rationale 2: The appraisal could be discriminatory because the manager should be offered the time to add written
comments to the appraisal form. The director failed to allow this time.
Rationale 3: There is not enough information to determine if the appraisal was a fair evaluation of the manager’s
Rationale 4: If there are attitude issues the director should address how they affect the work of the unit in the
Global Rationale:
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: 18-3: Describe problems to expect when evaluation performance.
Question 19
Type: MCSA
A manager has conducted a nurse’s evaluation, focusing a large portion of the appraisal on the nurse’s personality.
The nurse does not agree with the appraisal and contacts the human resources director. What is the soundest basis
on which to dispute the appraisal?
1. The appraisal is incomplete.
2. The appraisal is unfair.
3. The appraisal is not valid.
4. The nurse’s perception of the appraisal is unjustified.
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Sullivan, Effective Leadership and Management, 8/e Test Bank
Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Learning Outcome: 18-3: Describe problems to expect when evaluating performance.
Question 20
Type: MCSA
During the review of an organization’s appraisal policies, a nurse consultant finds that the facility uses a
traditional rating scale based on general performance. What would be the consultant’s greatest concern with this
choice of appraisal style?
1. It is time consuming for the manager to write the evaluation essay required by this method.
2. Ratings are based on the supervisors idea of satisfactory performance.
3. The standards used are so specific that they do not allow for individual variation.
4. Since this style involves input from peers, there is room for problems with confidentiality.
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: 18-2: Discuss different methods used to evaluate performance.
Question 21
Type: MCSA
A hospital uses a results-oriented evaluation system. During a nurse’s hiring process, the manager states, “Once
you have been officially hired, I want to meet with you regarding evaluation.” What will be the focus of this
1. The manager will give the nurse a set of work objectives for the next year.
2. The manager will explain how poor evaluations can lead to termination.
3. The nurse and the manager will work together to write work objectives for the nurse.
Sullivan, Effective Leadership and Management, 8/e Test Bank
4. The manager will review the nurse’s previous job experiences.

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