978-0078036873 Test Bank Chapter 12

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 1836
subject Authors Angela Hosek, Judy Pearson, Paul Nelson, Scott Titsworth

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Chapter 12: Organizing Your Presentation
Essay Questions
1. What are the five functions of an introduction?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Remember
2. Name at least five methods of gaining and maintaining attention.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Remember
3. What are some things to be careful about when attempting to gain and maintain attention in a public speech?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Remember
4. Provide three examples of how you could state the purpose of a speech in an introduction.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Apply
5. Provide your own examples of purpose/thesis statements for demonstration, informative, persuasive, and inspirational/motivational speeches.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Apply
6. Give one example of forecasting development as it might appear in the introduction of a public speech.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Apply
7. Explain the difference between an immediate purpose and a long-range goal, and give an example of each.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
8. State the different ways that a public speaker can indicate levels of importance in an outline.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Remember
9. What is meant by the concept of parallel form in an outline?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
10. How does a rough draft differ from a sentence outline?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
11. What is a sentence outline?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Remember
12. Give an illustration of what a key-word outline would look like by creating one with at least two main points and at least two subpoints.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Apply
13. What are the functions of a conclusion in a public speech?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
14. Give three examples of speech topics that lend themselves well to a cause/effect pattern of organization.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
15. Give three examples of speech topics that lend themselves well to a problem/solution pattern of organization.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
16. Give three examples of speech topics that lend themselves well to a time-sequence pattern of organization.
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
17. What is a topical-sequence pattern of organization?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
18. Distinguish between transitions and signposts. What do they have in common and how are they different?
Answer: Answers will vary.
Bloom’s level: Understand
True/False Questions
19. You should tell the audience in the conclusion exactly what they should do as a result of the speech.
20. The five functions of an introduction should be fulfilled in the order they are presented in the book.
21. According to the text, audience participation is one of the twelve methods of gaining and maintaining attention.
22. An important principle to remember about gaining and maintaining attention is to always relate your strategy to your topic.
23. Shooting a starting gun in the classroom using only blanks would be an acceptable way to gain audience attention in a speech against gun
24. A speech explaining the evolution of the U.S. government would most likely use a problem/solution organizational pattern.
25. You should reveal to the audience any special qualifications you have as a source.
26. The first principle of outlining is that all items of information in the outline should be directly related to your purpose.
27. Your immediate purpose should be fulfilled by the time you have completed your speech performance.
28. An outline indicates degrees of importance by using margins and symbols such as Roman numerals, letters, and numbers.
29. Parallel form means that all of the lines in an outline are even with each other.
30. A rough draft is a tentative plan for the ordering or arranging of the points in a speech.
31. The type of organizational pattern you choose should be based on the kind of information and argument you plan to present.
32. A transition is likely to be briefer than a signpost.
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42. A rough draft is best defined as
a. a tentative plan in the form of an outline for arranging the main points in your speech.
b. an incomplete manuscript of the proposed speech.
c. a script of the speech with side notes like stage directions indicating your nonverbal moves.
d. a complete sentence outline of your proposed speech.
43. A sentence outline uses complete sentences. Which of the following examples fits that description?
a. We have to overcome our “bigger is better” notion that has been encouraged during most of this century.
b. Bigger is better, mega corporations, and use of vast resources and energy.
c. Learning how to live small, a key to survival in the future.
d. A lifestyle designed for permanence, slated for change, and nurtured for development.
44. A speech claims that because solid waste is overcoming our city streets, we need to consider recycling. Which pattern of speech organization
is being used?
a. time-sequence pattern
b. causal-sequence pattern
c. spatial-sequence pattern
d. problem/solution pattern
45. A speech on the qualities that make a fine athlete in the sport of soccer is likely to be using which pattern of organization?
a. topical-sequence pattern
b. causal-sequence pattern
c. problem/solution pattern
d. spatial-sequence pattern
46. Which of the following is in correct APA format?
a. Brown, D. (2001). Coaching techniques. Boston: ABC Publishers.
b. Brown, Derrick. 2001. Coaching techniques. ABC Publishers.
c. Brown, D. (2001). Coaching Techniques, Boston. ABC Publishers
d. Brown, D. Coaching techniques, 2001. Boston ABC Publishers.
47. Which of the following is more of a transition than a signpost?
a. My first point is that Americans need to learn how to get along with each other.
b. Moving now to my visual aid, I will show you a map of Malaysia that shows its location in the world.
c. Having now discussed why you should activate your savings account, we will look next at how much money to place in it.
d. I have just told you where to travel on your next vacation.
48. Which of the following is not a function of the conclusion?
a. the brake light function
b. the review of central idea and main points
c. the audience response you seek
d. the warning light function

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