978-0077862466 Test Bank Chapter 9

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2101
subject Authors Bruce Barry, David Saunders, Roy Lewicki

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Chapter 09
1. Negotiations occur in a rich and complex social context that has a significant impact on how
the ____________ interact and how the process evolves.
2. Researchers have simulated complex negotiations by simplifying the complexity in a
____________ laboratory.
3. Distributive issues within ____________ negotiations can be emotionally hot.
4. In some negotiations, relationship preservation is the overarching negotiation goal and parties
may make concessions on ____________ issues to preserve or enhance the relationship.
5. In communal sharing, collective identity takes precedence over _______________________.
(p. 199) According to John Gottman' studies; successful long-term relationships are characterized by
7. ____________ is the legacy that negotiators leave behind after a negotiation encounter with
another party.
8. McAllister defines ____________ as "an individual's belief in and willingness to act on the
words, actions and decisions of another."
9. An individual's ________________________ toward trust can be described as individual
differences in personality that make some people more trusting than others.
10. Integrative processes tend to increase trust, while more ____________ processes are likely to
decrease trust.
11. Trust enhances the sharing of information in a negotiation, and greater information sharing
generally leads to ____________ negotiation outcomes.
12. Distributive justice is about the distribution of ___________.
13. ____________ justice is about how organizations appear to treat groups of individuals and the
norms that develop for how they should be treated.
14. Negotiators who helped develop a group negotiation strategy were more ____________ to it
and to the group's negotiation goals.
15. Trying to overcome a bad reputation, rebuilding trust, or restoring ____________ to a
relationship are much easier to talk about than to actually do.
16. Negotiations occur in a rich and complex social context that has a significant impact on how
the parties interact and how the process evolves.
17. Some research questions are best answered under controlled laboratory conditions because it
would be impossible to repeatedly encounter or simulate the same conditions consistently in actual
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18. In a relationship, gathering information about the other's ideas, preferences and priorities is
often the most important activity.
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19. One of the disadvantages of negotiating in a game or simulation is that there is a defined end.
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20. In relationship negotiations, parties should never make concessions on substantive issues to
preserve or enhance the relationship.
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21. First impressions and early experiences with others are powerful in shaping others'
expectations; once these expectations are shaped, they become easy to change over time.
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22. The early research on trust generally showed that higher levels of trust make negotiation
easier, while lower levels of trust make negotiation more difficult.
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23. Systemic justice is about the way that organizations appear to treat groups of individuals.
24. When some groups are discriminated against, disfranchised, or systematically given poorer
salaries or working conditions, the parties may be more concerned about specific procedural
elements and less concerned that the overall system may be biased or discriminatory in its treatment
of certain groups and their concerns.
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25. Idiosyncratic deals must be managed effectively in order to make sure they can exist without
disrupting others' sense of fairness.
26. Laboratory controlled research is much easier to conduct than field research because
studying live negotiators in the middle of an often complex negotiation causes them to object to all but
one of the following?
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27. Which of the following parameters shapes our understanding of relationship negotiation
strategy and tactics?
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28. Because relationship negotiations are never over,
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29. There are several ways that an existing relationship changes negotiation dynamics. Which
one of the following is not one of those ways?
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30. Which of the statements is supported by research in communal sharing relationships?
31. What key elements become more critical and pronounced when they occur within a
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32. Reputation is:
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33. Which type of justice is about the process of determining outcomes?
34. How parties treat each other in one-to-one relationships is the process of which of the
following justices?
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36. Which question that should be asked about working on the improvement of a relationship is
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37. Within relationships, we see that parties shift their focus considerably, away from a sole focus
on price and exchange, to also attend to
38. Why are some research questions best answered under controlled laboratory conditions?
39. What are the three relationship components in managing negotiations within relationships?
40. In relationship negotiation, the resolution of simple distributive issues can have what effects
on future decisions?
41. What are some of the findings of the limited amount of negotiation research about communal-
sharing relationships?
42. Give some examples of traits that help influence the definition of a reputation.
43. Why are negative reputations difficult to repair?
44. What are the three things that contribute to the level of trust one negotiator may have for
45. Define interactional justice.
Interactional justice is about how parties treat each other in one-to-one relationships.
46. How does an egocentric bias play out in judgments about fairness?

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