978-0073379296 Test Bank Chapter 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1304
subject Authors Lawrence Wodehouse, Marian Moffett, Michael Fazio

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Buildings Across Time: An Introduction to World Architecture, 4e (Fazio)
Chapter 2 The Greek World
1) The palace at Knossos was excavated by:
A) Howard Carter.
B) Heinrich Schliemann.
C) Sir Arthur Evans.
D) Lord Elgin.
E) All of the answers are correct.
2) Minoan columns are unusual because the shafts:
A) are only partially fluted.
B) flare from bottom to top.
C) were painted with frescoes.
D) mimic bundles of reeds.
E) All of the answers are correct.
3) The walls at Mycenae display:
A) attached columns.
B) cyclopean masonry.
C) limestone veneer.
D) fresco paintings.
E) None of the answers is correct.
4) The Mycenaean megaron includes:
A) a domos.
B) a central entrance on one side.
C) a prodomos.
D) an anteroom.
E) All of the answers are correct.
5) The Treasury of Atreus includes a beehive-shaped chamber made of:
A) trilithons.
B) corbeled stones.
C) true arches.
D) randomly coursed stones.
E) None of the answers is correct.
6) Columns in the plane of a wall and often between antae are called:
A) in antis columns.
B) stylobate columns.
C) peripteral columns.
D) intercolumnations.
E) None of the answers is correct.
7) All of the following are part of the entablature EXCEPT:
A) a cornice.
B) a frieze.
C) metopes.
D) an architrave.
E) All of the answers are correct.
8) Peculiar to the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassai are:
A) sculpted lion-capital columns in the pronaos.
B) Ionic columns projecting from the interior walls of the cella.
C) twenty-six Doric columns in the external colonnade.
D) multiple Corinthian columns in the cella.
E) fourteen freestanding Corinthian columns in the inner circular colonnade.
9) The spiral motifs on the Ionic order seen on the north porch of the Erechtheion, Athens are
A) scotia.
B) volutes.
C) fillets.
D) cymations.
E) None of the answers is correct.
10) The slight outward curve of a column, which then tapers toward the top of the shaft, as seen
in the Doric columns in the Temple of Hera is called:
A) a tholos.
B) antis.
C) entasis.
D) an architrave.
E) None of the answers is correct.
11) The edge of a Greek column flute is called:
A) an echinus.
B) an arris.
C) a pentel.
D) a ridge.
E) None of the answers is correct.
12) Access to the Athenian Acropolis is made through the:
A) Propylaea.
B) pronaos.
C) proactiva.
D) naos.
E) pronaos and proactiva.
13) The pediment sculpture from the Parthenon depicts the:
A) birth of Athena.
B) victory of Athena over the Persian god Marathon.
C) contest between Athena and Poseidon.
D) contests between Athens and Sparta.
E) birth of Athena and the contest between Athena and Poseidon.
14) In a Greek temple, the platform from which columns rise is called the:
A) metope.
B) stylobate.
C) epistodomus.
D) gable.
E) None of the answers is correct.
15) Which of the following is true about the bouleuterion in the Athenian Agora?
A) It was built on a nearly square plan to accommodate the 500 senators who comprised the
elected government of Athens.
B) It was a massive shrine dedicated to Zeus.
C) It was built on the top of the Agora Hill.
D) It was a small rectangular building with a colonnade and was built for the city's chief
religious magistrate.
E) It was a temple dedicated to Hephaestus and Athena.
16) Which of the following is true about the tholos at the Sanctuary of Asklepios?
A) Its entrance had a large pylon with floral decorations.
B) Its ceiling had ornate coffers with floral decorations.
C) Its external colonnade was composed of ten Ionic columns.
D) Its internal colonnade was composed of twenty Ionic columns.
E) Its internal arrangements are not clear from the excavations.
17) The major contribution to architectural history made by Greek architects and builders during
the Archaic period was the temple, which was based on the design of the Mycenaean megaron so
that its plan consists of a rear room, or ________.
A) opisthodomos
B) the naos
C) the tholos
D) the pronaos
E) bouleuterion
18) The influence of Greek culture during the Hellenistic period continued to spread east owing
A) the Battle of Marathon.
B) the conquests of Alexander the Great.
C) the Spartacist uprising.
D) the conquests of Phillip of Macedon.
E) the Persian Wars.
19) A tholos is:
A) a space beneath a dome.
B) an elaborate type of Corinthian capital.
C) a circular ring of columns.
D) a beehive tomb.
E) None of the answers is correct.
20) At the Sanctuary of Asklepios, Kos, ________.
A) buildings were arranged orthogonally
B) a temple was placed inside an architectural precinct
C) the architect employed a central axis
D) the architect employed rising terraces
E) All of the answers are correct.
21) All of the following are part of the Greek theater EXCEPT:
A) a skene.
B) an orchestra.
C) Polykleitos.
D) a proskenion.
E) All of the answers are correct.
22) All of the following are part of the Athenian Agora EXCEPT the:
A) Hephaisteion.
B) Stoa of Attalos.
C) Metroon.
D) Stoa of Zeus.
E) All of the answers are correct.
23) Hippodamus of Miletus became well known as:
A) a city planner.
B) a sculptor.
C) an orator.
D) an architect.
E) None of the answers is correct.
24) The Great Altar of Zeus in Pergamon is famous for its:
A) 40-foot-tall statue of Zeus.
B) 500-foot-long acropolis site.
C) 20-foot-tall Corinthian columns.
D) 300-foot-tall sculpted frieze.
E) None of the answers is correct.
25) The site of the Greek city of Paestum:
A) was submerged under the sea by the Middle Ages.
B) was a tourist site during the Middle Ages.
C) became a pilgrim site during the Middle Ages.
D) became a monastery during the Middle Ages.
E) None of the answers is correct.
26) Buildings in the Athenian Agora and on the Athenian Acropolis were arranged to be viewed
by groups passing through the Agora and entering into the Acropolis. Citing specific
architectural experiences, discuss this movement sequence.
Answer: Answers may vary.
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27) With reference to both politics and architecture, discuss the change from the Hellenic to
Hellenistic periods in ancient Greece.
Answer: Answers may vary.
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28) The Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations preceded that of ancient Greece. Compare the two
on the basis of their cultural characteristics and their architecture and planning.
Answer: Answers may vary.
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