Zombie Popularity

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Zombie - zom•bie/ zämbē A soulless corpse said to be revived by witchcraft in certain ˈ
African and Caribbean religions. While vampires may have been the "it" monster in recent
years, with the popularity of successful franchises such as "Twilight" and "The Vampire
Diaries," there's a new undead species trend now in-demand: zombies! There may be many
reasons why zombies have become so popular lately but the most logical is that the Myans
have predicted the end of the world in Decemeber 2012, and in the bible it talks about
graves bursting open. Production companies have taken advantage of this and making
many productions of the end times, and zombies. Over the past 10-15 years zombies have
become increasingly popular. Since 2004 zombies have slowly gained popularity. At the
end of 2008 zombie popularity started increasing very rapidly. By the end of 2010 and the
beginning of 2011, zombies had reached their height by quadrupling in popularity over 2
years. (Miller, Michelle CBS News)
CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller reported on "The Early Show." This breed of the
walking dead hasn't been this popular since the debut of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in
1983.(Miller CBS News) Dalton Ross, assistant managing editor of Entertainment Weekly,
said, "Zombies always get popular around October 31st, but now they're sort of popular all
year-round, and a lot of that really is due to the success of zombie productions." (Ross,
Dalton CBS News) The Walking Dead, is an American television drama series developed
by Frank Darabont. It is based on the comic book series The Walking Dead by Robert
Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. Premiering in 2010 and beating various
records for a cable series, including receiving 10.9 million viewers for its season three
premiere to become the most-watched basic cable drama telecast in history.(Kennedy,
Jason E News) The Walking Dead tells the story of a small group of survivors living in the
aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Most of the story takes place in the Atlanta metropolitan
area, and then the surrounding countryside of northern Georgia, as the survivors search for
a safe haven away from the shuffling hordes of predatory "walkers" (as the zombies are
referred to in the show), who devour any living thing they catch, and whose bite is
infectious to humans. (www.amctv.com/shows/the-walking-dead/about) Zombieland
premiering in 2009 received positive critical reviews and was a commercial success,
grossing more than $60.8 million in 17 days and surpassing the 2004 film Dawn of the

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