You get what you give, so give love

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You Get What You Give
There is more hunger for love and admiration in this world than for bread. If you give love you
will receive love, may not be immediately but you will, sometimes it takes time, but the results
are thriving. “Love” contains a vast meaning in just a small word. Love can be of many types;
love in a relationship with someone, love as appreciation that is the way you love your friends,
kindred love which is feeling towards family, and love for the whole society and mankind.
We are all sent to the Earth to make it a better place. We can do this by love. What goes around
comes around. There are many examples in this world on this. Take the example of Pakistan.
Pakistan used to be a united and prosperous country when it got independence, but hatred
torn it apart. The division of East and West Pakistan is the best instance for it. Situations tended
to create a gap between the people of both the parts. Hatred started to retain in people’s
hearts, but there was a way, the way of love. Even if the division was bound to happen, it could
have happened with peace, not shattering of blood. Instead of killing and looting people
mercilessly at the Eastern part, we could have cooperated. It is you get what you give. So when
you give hatred, you get the same in return. We killed thousands of them, they killed us.
Another example is what is happening today in front of our eyes, the killings of our own Shiite
brothers. We let them be killed, we do not put an effort to stop their persecution, and chances
are that their hearts would become harder towards us. It is obvious that those who kill us are

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