Woman in the Studio

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Name: Quasiem Isaac
Title: Woman in the Studio
Date: 1956
Medium: Oil
Describe the subject matter of the work: The title of this portrait is called “Woman in
the Studio” which is clearly the subject in this, a woman in a studio. The portrait looks
like what it seems to be some women in a painting studio or possibly an art gallery,
painting, painted, or viewing other paintings.
Which of the following words describe the style and theme of the work? (Choose all that
_____Representational _____Abstract _____Realistic _____Illusionistic
___Religious ___Mythological _X_Portrait ___Still Life ___Landscape ___History
_X_Daily Life
Consider the work’s title.
Does the title help you interpret what you see? What does the title tell you?
Yes, the title is exactly what the portrait is about. The title tells me that the portrait I’m
about to see is going to show a woman painting or viewing paintings.
What kinds of line do you see? Outlines, contour lines, implied lines? Expressive or
analytical? Describe them.
How is line employed in the work? Does it show movement or action? Does it seem to
regulate or order the composition? Does it seem to fragment the work?
It may help to draw a sketch of the implied lines of the work.
I see the forming of outlines in this, looking in the background, originally the portrait was made
on white canvas. Looks as if the artist Outlined the face, hair, shoulder, and the portrait she is
looking at, to blend in with the white canvas. It’s as if the lines are using the white canvas as a
prop to make this. Also, looking closely, you can see three-decennial lines that form the portrait
she is looking at as if it’s moveable. The composition seems to be at perfect height, piece gives a
sense of calmness, having the viewer focus on the main aspects, which are the women and the
Light and Color-
How do light and dark function within the work?

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