Why Philosophy Should Matter To Engineers

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Why Philosophy Should Matter to Engineers
Philosophy is a very interesting subject not only because it was founded long time ago by
Presocratics, but because a lot of different fields are connected to Philosophy. Biology, Physics,
Psychology are all connected to reasoning. Most of these fields were discovered because of the critical
thinking which is Love of Wisdom. Another field that requires knowledge of Philosophy is engineering,
which is a part of science studies.
I work as an Engineer, and before taking this could I would have never said that Philosophy is a
key in becoming a great designer. I have learned a lot in this course and I can say that Philosophy helps
us engineers on every day basis. Our job requires a lot of thinking / planning. As in philosophy
everything around us in engineering is a matter. We have to design things that would work in different
situations and would cause a change. Engineering needs philosophy to improve professional practice.

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