What makes a leader – 4/9/19

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 372
subject School University of Evansville
subject Course MGT 377

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Peter Lingo
Prof. Dwyer
MGT 377
What Makes A Leader
a. In Goleman’s Competency model analysis, he compares almost 200 companies and
compared the leaders of these companies. He looked for separate qualities that set them
apart from the employees like intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision. But felt
these were not enough to truly define and show the characteristics of a potential leader.
These qualities are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
The main capabilities Goleman compares with these companies and are categorized as
Emotional Intelligence, Technical Skills, and Cognitive Capabilities.
b. Two of the findings that Goleman made on EI results that stand out is the study in 1996
with McClelland, and the Merging of two broker companies’ example. These two both
compared Emotional Intelligence and empathy which is a trait in EI. The study with a
Senior Manager having strong EI and giving their division a competitive advantage over
the other divisions and outperforming them by 20% on yearly earnings. In the merging of
two broker companies, one company had a division manager that gave a poor speech and
didn’t encourage the workers, while the other gave a different kind of speech that showed
his strength and openness to the situation. The difference that came out of this is that the
second manager’s side of the company continued to perform at as high of a production
rate as before, while the other lacked in the upcoming months.

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