What is the most pressing cyber issue? Why?

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Morgan Goodspeed
Exam 1 Essay Question
The most pressing cyber issue would be piracy. Piracy is the stealing of
someone’s intellectual property. For example illegally downloading music from cites
like youtube would be considered Internet piracy. The government is trying to stop
piracy in the form of censorship. A good example of government censorship is the
Chinese government. The Chinese government censors all the information that the
citizens can receive. For example when watching a live broadcasting of CNN news, it
is delayed when aired in China and frequently has “blackouts” when the government
doesn’t like what the news station is covering. Although China is an extreme example
of government censorship, the U.S. government is also trying to censor what we can
see. This form of censorship is without due process and violating our first
amendment right, which protects our right of freedom of speech and the right to
receive information. Though we do have limitations in our freedom of speech, which

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