What Exactly Is A Brand?

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Denise Vollmer
Dr. Jackson
BA 460
March 8, 2017
The concept of branding is extremely active and has constantly changed throughout history.
Starting over 32,000 years ago, the first form of a brand emerged through cave paintings. Cave paintings
were the first prominent example of how humans interpreted their thoughts into visual illustrations that
have a much deeper meaning. In approximately 2,700 B.C. the idea of cattle branding emerged, which
represented ownership, simplification, and value. This process of burning cattle is tied to the actually
meaning of the word “brand”. “The word “brand” is derived from the Old Nurse word brandr, which
means, “to burn by fire. From this 11th-century Northern Germanic-origin, the word has blazed a mighty
path into the vernacular of 21st-century modern life.” The first semi-modern style of branding occurred in
1876. The red triangle of Bass Ale became the world’s first official trademark, shaping the way for
brands, as we know it today. Huge movements such as the Industrial Revolution improved manufacturing,
technology, and communication, helping to spread the flow of branding. “The dynamics of brand
reputation helped build better businesses even back then, and the role of the brand-a barometer of value-
has continued ever since.”
Branding is so much more than just advertising, a name, or a logo. Due to the fact that brands are
progressive, there is no solid definition of branding; branders are cultural curators and constantly have to
swap out meanings. Modern branding involves a concept consumers are buying into, as well as the
products. These ideas can be straightforward or large-scale. Examples include concepts such as you’ll
become more creative by buying an Apple product, or that drinking a Coke will spread happiness.
Branding is meant to attach a set of valuable meaning to products, services, and organizations. According
to Phil Duncan, “A brand is something you have an unexplained, emotional connection to. At P&G, we
talk about the great emotional connection that resonates with consumers when they see a brand on a shelf
and decide whether they want to bring that particular brand into their lives. We call this “the first moment

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