What does it mean to be Latino/Hispanic

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 646
subject School Washington and Jefferson Colle
subject Course Latinidad

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Hispanic and Latino have been in my vocabulary since childhood. I grew up in a diverse
limited state, identifying myself as Latino or Hispanic. With time I formed a concept and
meaning behind those words. Yet, ironically, I was never formally taught the significance and
origin of what being Latino or Hispanic meant. Unfortunately, it took eighteen years to be
provided with a clear and in depth explanation of origin and significance. According to the
passage the term Latino originated in 2000 during the United States census; 35.3 million people
were classified as Hispanics. Making up 12.5% of the american population and the fastest
growing ethnic group. Due to the continuous increase many cultural groups classified as Latino
or Hispanic have impacted many communities throughout the U.S resulting in a cultural blends.
Being classified as Latino or Hispanic also means coming from a diverse, distinctive, and unique

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