Thomas Green: Power, Office, Politics and a Career in Crisis

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subject Words 486
subject School Georgia Tech
subject Course MGT 6502B

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MGT 6502B
Thomas Green: Power, Office, Politics and a Career in Crisis
Green fast tracked to this promotion; he was young, lacked experienced, and was still relatively new at the
company. His boss, Davis, was a veteran in the company and spent years climbing up the managerial ladder.
Because of this, Davis probably felt Green hadn’t earned his position, so there was already tension before
Green even started his new role. To make it worse, Davis had also expected to pick the candidate for the open
spot on his team, but his director filled the spot for him. Additionally, their conflicting viewpoints on the year’s
sales forecast plan, which was developed by Davis, caused major stress as they never resolved their
disagreement. Lastly, Green and Davis have very different work styles which is causing major problems and
negatively impacting their working relationship. Davis is traditional, detailed, and strict; he requires schedules,
documented progress reports, company organizational charts, and accurate Outlook calendar plans. Green is
creative, charismatic, and unconventional; he prefers face to face conversations, doesn’t see value in wasting
time to document reports and has passion for innovating and creating new ideas. Their different personalities
and work style cause them to buttheads.
I would recommend that Frank Davis to start providing live and more regular feedback to Green vs. waiting
until the performance review to provide criticism. Details can get hazy when reflecting on events that
happened month(s) prior, and it can be harder to effectively discuss. Additionally, Davis should attempt to call
or meet in person with Green over emailing when he wants to review, get updates, or is asking for a report. Its
clear Green responds better to face to face and struggles with emails/documentation, thus Davis should play
to his employee’ strength. Davis should also provide more guidance and resources to Green on how to
different from one another and Green would need to drastically change in order to meet demands. But I do
not think Green has enough experience or maturity to make the improvements needed of him.

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