The True Roots of Urban Decay

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Jones 1
Josh Jones
Kerry Fine
28 October 2016
ENG 101.70921
The True Roots of Urban Decay
Throughout recent American history, the once urban metropolis of US culture, Los
Angeles, began to decay in the eyes of time. The movie Boyz N the Hood, directed by John
Singleton, closely opens the viewers to the many hardships of once thriving community located
in South Central Los Angeles. Even though Boyz In the Hood is a fictitious movie, the
resemblance of the constant problems due to race and gender faced by the residents of this
intercity community is unprecedented. Through the tagline for the film, once upon a time in
South Central L.A, director, John Singleton, portrays the public’s view of the issues presented as
a fairy tale rather than serious matters that needs addressing. As the youth in these communities
dominate the landscape, they can either play a pivotal role in its development or can be the
primary reason for its demise. Through the ideas and effects of gentrification, the bar of urban
neighborhoods lowered as overpopulated communities did nothing to change the trend of
downfall in their neighborhoods. As the surrounding communities flourished due to the fact of
gentrification used to “raise” their communities, the urban areas, where many minorities were
pushed into, continued to cripple. The excess presence of guns directly relates to the extreme
violence that rules the streets are hindering the ability for these urban neighborhoods to advance.
These violent crimes are prominently based on race and as it seems most of the crime portrayed
in the movie is black-on-black crime. In their book, The World is a Text, Silverman and Rader,
discuss the impact of movies as “movies are not just indicators for American culture-they
Jones 2
determine culture itself. Fashion, songs, modes of behavior, social and political views, and
gender and racial values are all underscored by movies” (321). Directors such as Singleton use
their movies as an output for change in cultural views and idea such as enlightening the problems
affecting many urban environments across the United States in the late 1900’s. Through
Singleton’s interrogation of problems facing urban neighborhoods such as the delinquent youth,
gentrification that ran low-income families into overpopulated neighborhoods, and the
significant impact of gun violence that caused the lowering of the bar of urban communities, he
is conveying the message that in order for this neighborhood to prosper changes need to be
Throughout American history, urban neighborhoods have advanced through the up bring
of youth and the contributions they make to society, however, when they don't contribute such as

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