The topic I chose was the developmental effects of children when a parent abandons them

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The topic I chose was the developmental effects of children when a parent abandons them. I specifically
chose this topic because my daughters father has been in and out of her life over the (almost) three
years she has been here, and has now completely abandon her. This concerns me because I want the
best for my child and I can see it already has effects on her. She often asks to see/speak to her father,
and just yesterday made the comment that her dad was gone and she was sad and doesn’t like him
because of it (that broke my heart).
I see so many children of different ethnicities, and socioeconomic statues that live in broken homes, and
have a parent that has abandon them. I feel as if it is becoming an epidemic and it needs to be
addressed. Children are vulnerable and impressionable people, navigating through this world, and
abandonment should not be an issue for them, but it is. I’ve seen it ruin children’s lives and I’ve also
seen children who grow up and have the best life ever. I would like to know what factors contribute to
I would like to research how parental abandonment effects children and how the primary parent can
help their children to overcome this traumatic obstacle in their life, and minimize the effects of their
father’s absence as much as possible. I am also curious to find out at what age (if at all), children would
benefit from some sort of therapy, or if there are things that can be done to help them at home. I do
know that children can experience abandonment later in their childhood and this can have even more
severe effects on them at a later age than it would at a younger age in childhood. Healthy development
is important for a person to be successful and learning how to foster healthy development in children
who deal with parental abandonment is important. There is not a lot of information for the surviving

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