The Rise and Fall and Rise of Queen Martha

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Case Study: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Queen Martha
Assignment 1
Leonardo Torcigliani
Webber International University
Public Relations
Dr. Fenning
Case Study: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Queen Martha
The Scandal Unveiled
The public's perception of America's "Queen of the Kitchen" would be forever altered when
Martha Stewart became embroiled in a scandal in December 2001. Stewart sold all of her shares of
ImClone stock just before the market crash on advice from her stockbroker. A federal investigation
and indictment for obstruction of justice and deception of federal investigators resulted from this
suspicious behavior. Stewart remained silent and declined the opportunity to personally address
fans and consumers regarding this matter, despite maintaining her innocence.
Martha Stewart's Damaged Reputation
Apart from the extremely public trial, Stewart's reputation was irrefutably damaged by her
lack of public interaction, which resulted in an unwavering sense of guilt. The general public
revered and respected Martha Stewart, a domestic titan. Stewart's reaction double-crossed the

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