The Lamar Barrington Story

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The Lamar Barrington Chronicles
Kingston D. McCaden
Daymar College
This story takes you in the life of Queen City most fearless and
genius detective Lamar Barrington. The 5th Precinct oversees
serving and protecting the citizens of Queen City most ruthless
and dangerous neighborhoods. The criminal world of prostitution,
human trafficking; drugs has ravaged this area. Most citizens do
not even trust the police as you will see are mixed in organized
crime themselves. In this infested cesspool who do they put
their trust in? Lamar Barrington the street slash book smart
ladies’ man. When Citizen X has exhaust, all means to get
justice, Mr. Barrington is the final and only choice. You can
ask the like of Sonny James, Paul Ventura or Catherine “Heroin”
Queen” Lansbury about Barrington’s justice. Since Lamar
Barrington been in Queen City all crime lords have been put on
notice. We cannot forget it’s not only these figures he face but
also fighting the corrupted Police and City Hall.
Keywords: Q.C.P.D. Sonny James, Paul Ventura Catherine
“Heroin Queen” Lansbury
The Lamar Barrington Chronicles
The dripping of blood drops profusely to the concrete
floor. Raymond Hines, a lieutenant of Sonny James crime outfit
gasping for air while tied to a steel folding chair. “Sonny, you
got to believe me I made the drop at 3AM just like you told me
too” says Raymond. “When I got there Ventura’s capo Angelo
picked up the briefcase”. “He opened and acknowledge that was
$400,000.00 inside the briefcase and gave me the address to pick
up the ten kilos”. Just then a 6ft 11’ dark skin Panamanian
giant crashes down into Raymond’s left side jawbone. Raymond
spits more blood with a couple teeth too. Sonny James gracefully
moves forward to Raymond and hand him his purple silk
handkerchief. “Relax homeboy, it is all gravy baby” jokingly
Sonny James says to Raymond. “I knew that pizza eating wannabe
Tony Soprano would jerk us off like that”. “The reason I had
Bruno beat you up is to show Paul I believe him and not you”.
“Untie him and give my man some fresh clothes and a one-way
ticket to”. Two shots from a 45 magnum goes directly into
Raymond Hines forehead killing him instantly. “Boss I thought
you said you believed him” asked a confused Bruno. “I did, but
he was also a rat” screamed Sonny. “This so-called man been
double crossing our family for the past three years”. “You see
Bruno it pays to have not only the police commissioner on your
payroll but the whole City Hall” while viciously laughing.
A beam of sunlight pierce through the drapes onto a naked
lady’s bronze skin breasts. Standing in front of a full-size
mirror stands 6ft 3inches Lamar Barrington. He is a caramel
complexion brother that resembles a young Denzel Washington. He
is fully clothed putting the finishing touches on his Thomas
Pink Blake Print Tie. The lady in the bed is Assistant District
Attorney Sheila Jacobs for Queen City. She slowly lifts saying
“I see you have to eat and run baby”. “You know duty calls” says
Barrington. “Just got a text that Raymond Hines body was found
in a vacant building with two to the forehead”. “Raymond Hines”

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