The effect of waste in the hospitality industry

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subject Pages 8
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subject School Las Positas College
subject Course English

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The effects of waste in hospitality industry
The effects of waste in the hospitality industry on the environment
CFC: Chlorofluorocarbon
GHG: Greenhouse Gas
MSW: Municipal Solid Waste
Waste is inevitable part of our daily lives. Starting from the morning until midnight, we
are constantly generating different waste while preparing for our meal, going to washroom or doing
our regular daily activities. Although we cannot avoid waste, we can try to reduce the waste in
order to create a greener environment while saving costs. Over the past few years, the hospitality
industry has been growing inevitably around the world and is expected to grow even more over
the next few years. Due to the significant increase in the hospitality sector, the waste produced by
the industry has increased notably, too. Because transporting and disposing the waste has a certain
cost, it is important for the businesses to set up the proper waste management system to reduce
costs and increase efficiency.9 Several types of waste such as plastics, cardboard, old fabrics are
produced in a huge amount annually from the hospitality industry. For example, the hospitality
industry of United Kingdom creates about two million tonnes of waste annually. Moreover, most
of the waste that the hospitality industry produced goes into landfill. After the waste decays or rots
in the landfill, potent gases such as methane is produced. Because Greenhouse Gas Emissions are
harmful to the environment, the hospitality industry should reduce waste to save the environment

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