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Rao 1
Xi Rao
Ivan the Terrible
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Part One: Important Person in History
Perhaps Ivan the Terrible was one of the most famous Russian czars in Russian history
except Peter the Great, and also one of the most influential figures in the history of the world,
occupying an exceptional and essential position in the founding history of tsarist Russia. Ivan the
Terrible is a talented, intelligent, and capable person whose activities are characterized by
foresight, firm purpose, and progressive nature. Ivan the Terrible occupies an exceptional and
essential position in the founding history of tsarist Russia.
Ivan the Terrible is of considerable significance to Russia, and Ivan IV's contribution to
Russia was mainly the beginning of Russia's external expansion. He was the founder of the
massive expansion of Russian territory in the Middle Ages. Generally speaking, Ivan IV called
the early Russian state before the Tsar, the early Russian state was called the Duchy of Moscow,
and Ivan IV called the Tsar, the Duchy of Moscow became tsarist Russia. Ivan imitated Caesar,
not only to achieve centralization but also to build a Russian empire, and large-scale territorial
expansion has also become his lifelong pursuit and ambition. During the period of Ivan IV,
Russia began to become a multi-ethnic state. The destruction of the Kazan Khanate was a
significant turning point in Russian history, marking the strength of Russia over the Mongolian
Tatars ever since. The primary manifestation of Ivan IV's territorial expansion was the
annexation of the country. He annexed the Kazakh Khanate, the Astrakhan Khanate, and the
Siberian Khanate one after another, and defeated the Klimu Khanate. The territory of Russia
significantly advanced eastward. The Mongols are no longer a threat. He fought himself in some
of these battles and fought bravely.
Secondly, Ivan IV was the founder of the tsarist autocracy in the Middle Ages. In 1547,
17-year-old Ivan IV began to govern. At that time, within the feudal ruling class, in addition to
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the lord class, the small and medium-sized feudal lords wanted to strengthen the monarchy in
order to put an end to the chaotic situation in which the lords and nobles fought for power and
profit for a long time. Ivan IV was quite intelligent, read many theological classics and history
books from an early age, and was deeply influenced by court politics. He was deeply aware of
the importance of power to man, and in order to strengthen his position and get rid of the control
of the lords and nobles, Ivan IV was officially crowned Tsar by Moscow Archbishop Mecari on
January 16, 1547. Ivan IV said that the czar was of great political significance to Russia in the
Middle Ages, which marked the formal beginning of centralized czar rule and meant that Russia
had established its position as a leader in the Orthodox world. Thus, Russia's international status
in the world has been improved. Ivan IV said that after the czar, he began to take a series of
measures to strengthen the centralization of power and strengthen the rule of the czar. The
mediation meeting held in 1549 was, in fact, the first Gentry meeting in Russia, which United the
forces of the ruling class. Moreover, he appeased the private class; In 1551, a 100-chapter
meeting was held and a new code limiting the power of local officials and centralizing power
was adopted. The military service law was promulgated in 1556 and began a large-scale military
reform, that is, the territory granted by the czar as a reward, widely attracted small and medium-
sized aristocrats to join the army. To a certain extent, these measures cracked down on the
separatist and separatist forces, strengthened the centralization of the czar and established the
autocratic rule of the czar. Since then, the czars have continuously consolidated and developed it,
and the czar system has lasted for more than 300 years.
At the same time, Ivan IV was the best speaker in Moscow at the time. He loved to read
books, read many books, and especially read many history books. He was good at writing and
had high attainments for Russian. He was an excellent linguist and writer in Russia at that time.
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Although most of his works had been lost, the existing works were mainly political. However,
his ability to use words and sentences and his sarcastic skills are on paper. Ivan IV is the highest
cultural level of all Russian archdukes and czars. He attaches great importance to the
development of Russian cultural undertakings, such as the promotion of printing. Soviet
historians glorified and touted Ivan IV. Viper called Ivan IV a great statesman, and Veppel
particularly respected Ivan IV's diplomatic skills, saying that he was one of the most celebrated
diplomats in the history of all times and that his foreign policy was excellent. It was not only in
his dexterity but also in the patriotism that inspired him. Another well-known historian, professor
at Moscow University and communications academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences,
Bachrushin even touted Ivan IV as "the czar of the people," and the people supported his
policies. The Tsar's Legion is the army of the people. Bakhrushin believes that the reform of Ivan

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