Temperament Essay

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Speech 1321
The Different Temperaments
Everyone is different. There are no two people in this entire world that share the same traits,
behaviors, beliefs, etc. When you are born there are some characteristics that are developed from your
parents but your environment growing up also has a big impact on your temperament. The four
different temperaments are Guardians, Idealists, Artisans, and Rationales. Some may have traits from
the other four temperaments and some may not. I do carry some of the traits from all 4 of the
temperaments, but my dominant temperament is guardian and although it is not all correct most of it is.
Whatever the case maybe I like to be the person who is good at what they do and make sure that people
can depend on me to do what is needed.
The temperament with the least amount of people is going to be rationales. Making up less than
10% of our society, they are the scarcest temperament. Without a doubt, they are the backbone of our
community. Finding out how things work and going to the furthest lengths possible to find the answer
to their solution is what rationales do best. Most of the famous scientists/inventors that you can think
of, such as Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein would be a perfect example of a
rationales. They created something that has formed society to what it is today. Their need to figure out
every problem that they are faced with is one of the reasons that people like this are able to accomplish
such great things. When it comes to following the rules, rationales will do what is needed to complete
the task at hand whether it is against the rules or not. In my life, I have met a few rationales but never
really have been friends with them, because they usually do not go out of their group of friends.
Idealists make up about 15-20% of the population and these are going to be the kinder people
that you may meet. They are the people who strive to find out who they are as a person; whether this
mean skydiving or going to an adventure in the amazon they will do what is needed to find out who
they are and strive in their personal quest. Pushing people to be the best version of themselves is also
another thing that they do well. If they see that you are struggling they will help you with whatever

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