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Ms. Wilson,
It has come to my attention that the level of creativity has dropped in comparison to our
performance last year. I wanted to discuss a plan to make sure that we get back on track
with understanding our audience. Since most employees encounter traffic on their drive
home from work, we should start a TED talks segment for the 5:00pm hour of WNTR.
TED talks is a non profit…
After watching a few TED talks segments, I encountered the perfect talk that we should
host on WNTR. The name of this TED Talk is “We're all hiding something. Let's find the
courage to open up" presented by Ash Beckham in Boulder,Colorado.
This talk can relate to anyone who has every felt trapped or in hiding of who they really
are or is contemplating on having a hard conversation. Beckham discusses the different
types of secrets such as being an alcoholic or telling someone that your pregnant in
comparison to her coming out about her sexuality. She interprets her story of being trapped
in this closet, which makes her relatable to all people who would be listening. The
audience is classified with being immediate or universal. Beckham seemed to be an expert
in her talk about closets. She used different metaphors that could relate to a world range of
listeners that are driving home thinking about their lives.
Even though nothing is written down she paints a picture of the situations and obstacles
she ran into. Her purpose what to get across that none should live in a dark closet,

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