Stratergies to sleep

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Dishant Shah
Q) Why sleep is an important factor in test preparaons?
Sleep is a state in which the mind and body are rest. However, according to the author,
Benedict Corey, sleep is a transient state during which the brain transits through different stages like
deep sleep, stage 2 sleep and REM sleep. Each kind of sleep has its own signiticance and can aid a
different kind of learning. The author also men&ons that “sleep itself is a kind of specific learning
and its primary purpose is consolida&on, separa&ng signal from noise and (agging valuable
informa&on”. Therefore, strategically selec&ng the right kind of sleep i.e. deep, stage 2 or REM
sleep, based on the subject to be addressed in the test is an important factor in test prepara&ons.
Corey describes the first half of the sleep as deep sleep during which the brain consolidates
facts and figure and new words. If deprived of this por&on of sleep, we may probably lose the
ability to retain basic facts and figure since deep sleep is a part of the “reten&on territory”. So
though you may study a por&on that deals with new ideas and concepts throughout the night before
a test, reten&on of the facts would be di,cult if you are deprived of deep sleep. To support this
no&on the author gives the example of his daughter’s sleeping habits and how she stayed up &ll 2
a.m. during school. However, when she took up Arabic as an extra language, which included a
different vocabulary and wri&ng style all together, she started going to bed early before the day of

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