Soft skills

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00118_En_Y21_4_modul_Əyani_Yekun imtahan testinin sualları Fənn : 00118 Yumşaq bacarıqlar (Soft skills)
1. What is emotional intellegence?
IQ potentional of the brain which is measured via special emotions related test
Imagination, fantacy and innovative abilities of the brain
Ability to create a new solution to problems which didn't exit before
Ability to understand emotions and motives of others and control your emotions and reaction towards surrounding and towards
Ability to handle stress whenever needed and stay calm all the time
2. What is not correct statement about time management?
Perception of time is different among nationals and individuals
We shall always target to eliminate thanksless jobs
Time is not a standardized or uniform commodity
As a resource, time is scarce.
Try to plan more task that you can deliver so at the end of the day you do at least 80% of those ( rule of 80/20)
Point to pay attention is marginal productivity of the time - How much you are can completed in given unit of the time
3. What is not considerered to be soft skill?
Emotional intellegency
• Resiliance
Ability to draw
Integrity And Ethical Responsibility
• Emphathy
4. Why soft skills have started to gain importance and projected to become even more important in upcoming decades?
softskills are easy to learn in comparison with hardskilss and they can bring even more professional success than hard skills
Softskills is a new displinie of science recently discovered that will develop further
More and more jobs are becoming automated, whereas roles that require soft skills can't be replicated by programs and machines
Psycological requirements of humankind has chnaged and we need more to communicate
I has been realized that people need such qualifications as emphathy, ability to listen, emotional intellegence and etc to be happy
5. Good time management enables you to work..............
sleeping more
doing whatever you want
work harder
not to work
work smarter – not harder
6. According to Priority Matrix which of tasks needs doing within the next 48 hours?
Those are ‘Important’, but not ‘Urgent’ tasks
Those are neither ‘Important’, not ‘Urgent’ tasks
Those are the ‘Important’ tasks
Those are both ‘Important’and ‘Urgent’ tasks
Those are the ‘Urgent’ tasks
7. What is usually done after the end of a pomodoro in the pomodoro technique?
An article is being written about the experience gained.
Meditation is performed to assess the effects of the Pomodoro technique
There is a break of 5-10 minutes and an interesting work is done
A report on the work done during Pomodoro is written
The next pomodoro begins
8. How many minutes does a pomodoro usually take in a pomodoro technique?
12 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
25 minutes
20 minutes
9. Which of the following best describes procrastination?
Comparison of works
Demonstrate punctuality in doing things
Doing all the work on time
Postpone the work that needs to be done now
Approach to all works as important
10. What do you think best describes punctuality?
Arrive 15 minutes late for the meeting
Always prone to delay
Try to learn to manage time well
Doing all works and assignments on time
To teach to apply time management
11. What does task prioritization mean?
Finding the least important things
List of work to be done
Determining the time to be spent on work
Sort things by order, starting with the most important
Comparison of works
12. What best describes the phrase “it is not the amount of time that plays a role in time management, but the intensity of the work done
during that time”?
The main issue in time management is not paying attention to time
Regardless of our efforts, all work takes the same amount of time
We can spend as much time on a job as we want
If we put enough effort and energy into doing something, we will be able to manage our time better
The time spent on a job is inversely proportional to the effort (energy) spent on it
13. What does time management help?
To do a more work in a short time
To do all the work at any time
To spend as much time as we want to get things done
Proper use of time, which is a scarce resource
To return the time
14. Which option does not show the connection between goals and time management?
All of above
Time management can help you determine how realistic and specific your goals are
Time management is interrelated with the energy and intensity of efforts required to achieve goals
Time management helps to allocate time properly to achieve goals
With time management, the goal achievement plan can be implemented more effectively
15. Which of the following is not a good example of time management?
Listing works according to their importance and urgency
Identification of important and urgent work
Constant control of time
Defining daily goals and priorities
Not distinguishing between work and rest, mixing them
16. Which of the following is a good example of time management?
Doing unimportant, less important works first
Purposeless search for interesting jobs during the day
Postponement of answering exam questions
Making a list of works to be done
None of above
17. Which of the following does not apply to time management?
Task prioritization
Proper allocation of time
Constant control of time
Looking for a job to spend time
Identify time management alternatives
18. Which of the following is not true about time?
Time is always a scarce resource
There is always time to work
Different times have different meanings for different people and professionals
The loss of time can be easily recovered
Spending too much time on one job reduces the time left on another
19. Highlight the key benefits of soft skills for corporate and government organizations
Production is growing
Provides more benefits from hard skills
Increasing productivity
Significantly reduces the demand for hard skills
Time is used less efficiently
20. Which of the following is the best option for developing soft skills?
• Tests
• Reading
• Essays
Social environment and practice
• Lectures
21. Choose the hard skills
Stress resistance
Creative thinking
Team work
Sales management
Time management
22. What is not correct statement about stress management?
Stress response is a survival mechanism that primes us to respond to threats
Routine type of stresses are normal part of the life. We shall more concentrate to learn to handle sudden stresses
Stress can be acute and chronical
Stress is characterized by periodically feeling irritable or down, experiencing muscle tension, or having minor difficulty sleeping
Exercising helps to handle stress but it doesn't mean that we require intensive exercices each day. A 30 min walk shall be enough
23. If you can't eliginate the source of your stress, what is the best to do?
Contstantly rethink the problem, you will find a solution at some point
Try to change your personal perception of the problem
Ignore the problem
Periodically take medications to calm yourself down
Ask a close person to resolve the problem for you
24. Please select incorrect option about stress.
People going through the same dificulties in life get the same level of stress.
Too much stress can be distractive
Healthy neutrition habits help to fight stress
In order to fights stress you shall eliminate stress factor or change your approcah towards it.
Stress can be positive, since it helps to conslidate power to tackle problem
Nigar could not achieve her academic goals and she has failed 5 exams. However, she has a chance to take her second chance. As resit
exam dates approach, she is worried about her GPA. She has difficulties with procrastinating, as a result, she gets stressed. She feels
like she will not pass them because she thinks she does not have enough time to get well prepared. At the same time, she has an
Instagram addiction.
Which stress management techniques Nigar should use to overcome her problem?
B)She should not care about exams and should do what she loves
E) She should quit university
C) She should meditate, should spend her time with friends and should do what she loves and should control her addiction from
A)She should change her thinking from negative to positive, should gain useful behaviors such as preparing exams by using Pomodoro
technique, should change her lifestyle
D) She should copy from his friends
26. What is included in the ABC strategy?
4.Ask, Balance, Control
2.Analyze, Blame, Control
3.Aim, Balance, Control
1.Awareness, Balance, Control
5.Awareness, Balance, Create
27. Which is one of the creative thinking strategies?
Delegate responsibilities
No questions
Only practice
Ask the same question at least twenty times and give a different answer each time.
Give smart advices
Creative thinking skills involve such approaches as:
1. Looking for many possible answers rather than one.
2. Allowing yourself to make wild and crazy suggestions as well as those that seem sensible.
3. Avoid risks
4. Not judging ideas early in the process - treat all ideas as if they may contain the seeds of something potentially useful.
5 Making mistakes.
6. Believe only in others, not you
7. Learning from what has not worked as well as what did.
• 3,6
• 1,2,3,5
• 3,4,5
• 5,6,7
29. How to manage time better?
Break projects into small steps
Prioritize tasks
Don’t over-commit yourself
Delegate responsibility
All of above
30. One of the following is not the stress management tip:
Get moving
Connect to others
Identify the sources of stress in your life
Practice the 4 A’s of stress management
Avoid the problems
31. What are stressors?
The sources of pain
A type of sport
The sources of motivation
The sources of stress
The sources of relaxation
32. Choose the symptoms of stress
Weight loss
Under-eating or overeating
Sleep disturbances
All of above
Anxiety or feelings of panic
33. What is it like to look at the situation through the eyes of the other party?
• Interest
• Sympathy
• Dynamics
• Antipathy
34. How to deal with negative thoughts in the brain under stress?
By fighting them in the brain
Trying to chase thoughts
By speaking to the tree
By replacing them with positive thoughts instead
By speaking to water
35. What are the 4 main parts of human existence?
Thought, finance, emotion, deep meaning
Emotional, physical, social, deep meaning
Physical, secular, emotional, international
Physical, mental, emotional, deep meaning
Deep meaning, mood, rest, finances
36. What is the most important thing to prevent stress?
It is impossible to prevent stress
Never experience stress
Drink water
Breathe often
37. What are the consequences of excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract?
Nausea and constipation
None of above
Diarrhea and constipation
Just vomiting
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
38. How does stress affect the respiratory system?
The person begins to cough
The person breathes slowly
Breathing stops
The person breathes often
Breathes at a normal breathing rate
39. Which part of the body does stress affect?
Weakens hands
Affects feet only
Creates excess weight
It only affects the heart
Affects all organs
40. How does the human brain understand taste?
Thanks to the knowledge of the food he read and learned in the past
Thanks to the images created by touching the food
By feeling the taste
When looking at food from the outside
As a result of the four different taste receptors in the human language converting taste molecules into electrical signals
41. What causes images in the brain?
As a result of the reflection of electronic signals from the surface of the object
Based on pictures of things
As a result of 3D images
As a result of the conversion of light photons from an object into an electrical signal
As a result of touching things with our hands
42. In which variant are our senses more fully represented?
Our nose, our ears, our eyes, our brain
Our eyes, our nose, our ears
Our eyes, our tongue, our nose, our hands
Our eyes, hands, nose, tongue, ears
Our eyes, ears, tongue, feet
43. What is the relatively new neocortex part of the brain responsible for?
• Emotions
To feel the touches
• Protection
• Safety
44. Which part of the brain is responsible for human emotions?
• Neurons
• Forehead
Limbic system
Reptil brain
• Neocortex
45. Which part of the brain is responsible for protection from dangers?
Limbic system
• Scalp
• Neurons
Reptil brain
• Neocortex
46. When does the human brain expend more energy?
After the age of seventy
In youth
When working
In childhood
In old age

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