Social Problems Undergrad

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Clay 1
Final Paper: Cyberbullying
Brandi Clay
Professor Goldberg
December 10, 2015
Clay 2
There are a variety of Social Problems all over the globe, including in the United States
of America. According to the textbook, a social problem is defined as, “When people in a
society agree that a condition exists that threatens the quality of their lives and their most
cherished values, and they also say agree that something should be done to remedy that
condition”( Kornblum 5) A Social problem can include minor offenses to something that is
considered to be as serious as murder, abortion or gun control. Social Problems have a major
impact on society, and can have an impact on both adults and children. Cyber bullying is a great
epidemic that has occurred because of the increase in technology and social media. It is
considered to be a social problem because it affects a society as a whole and not a certain group
of people. It affects society as whole because it affects not only the kid being bullied but the

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