Saving the Animals and Their Sovereignty

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Jarett Ware 04/07/2017
Saving the Animals and Their Sovereignty
Today, when people think of animals they think of food or something that doesn’t give
animals their rights to live in the end. When comparing animals and humans lives the assumption
is that we are not equal, and animals have lesser value to the Earth and its processes. The
relationship between humans and other animals is both complex and troubling. Our beliefs about
the way people treat animals are centered on what we perceive to be differences between humans
and animals (Animal Ethics: BEEP BioEthics Education Project). The vision humans often see is
survival, but the real question is what is survival when innocent creations are involved. The
answer could easily be related to the point of “animals not being human”, but is that valid when
animals were put on this planet for reasons other than being vitally harmed. Animal cruelty exists
among the United States with the means to test scientific products for human consumption,
deadly effectiveness research, develop and test treatments for humans, etc. This raises ethical
issues in the usage of animals for humans own pleasure and causing some species to become
extinct due to the waste for such testing and lab studies that kill off animals. Failure to realize
these issues and stop the continuation of these processes will result in the extinction of humans
as well.
Testing for such things like makeup and other skin products are unnecessary to animals
and do not concern their well-being at all. This same testing is done for clothing and jewelry
production which is the crueler punishment for the innocent animals such as skinning them for
their fur. Through history, fur has been a luxury item of clothing. Although many have seen fur
as an investment for the high class, opponents of the fur trade have engaged in direct action for
many years, and have had a high level of publicity. This has meant that fur has become less
Jarett Ware 04/07/2017
fashionable since people’s awareness of animal welfare and conservation issues has been raised.
Therefore, creating the idea that if more people joined the movement the animals will be saved
from being treated poorly for useless reasons. Animals will always need people to stand up for
the rights in which they cannot do for themselves.
Animal cruelty is not a new topic to today’s discussion, in fact it is not talked about
enough to fit the amount of turmoil they face. The history of animal suffrage has been long and
wide spread throughout the world, but mainly for the use of science in the United States.
Scientists in turn knew that when it came to experiments that humans would not benefit them.
They then turned their attention towards animals because they have no voice of their own.
Experiment usage is the main evil when it comes to animal suffering. The environment that
animals are kept in during these tests isn’t allowing the animals to be themselves, for they have
been taken from their families and homes. Even the smallest tests of different products could
cause a deadly reaction to animals if not careful. Imagine the number of these tests on animals
that could be supplied somewhere more positively, but instead these awful acts are taking
animals lives for granted. For those numbers, you just realized try multiplying that to the
thousands of years this has been going on in America, that’s a pretty large amount.
Many will often wonder, including myself, why people would choose to carry out such
actions? Is it the profit of it all that causes people to not think long term effects, such as, not
having future animal resources for food or warmth to supply the human population. Scientists are
not the only predators in this situation it also includes poachers, who are robbers of these animals
for money and those animals are often harmed even worse for not even for research. The issue of
animal cruelty creates other issues like government, farmer, and scientist profit but leaves only
the adverse effects for consumers. When it comes to animals being used for scientific means it is
Jarett Ware 04/07/2017
acceptable to an extent where the animal is not harmed and the animal is not taken from its
environment where it may continue to thrive.
Animal suffrage can also be cultural. It can be cultural in the sense that each country has
a distinct means for its animals. Authentic clothing and other supplies in other countries are
directly taken from animals. This isn’t an excuse for animal cruelty, but in some places this is the
only resource they have. For example, in Africa rhinos are abused by having their nose horns cut
off for weapons. Also, animals are harmed as initiations to gangs in South Africa. In Asia, dog
and cat are popular and common dishes, but the terrifying thing about it is the dogs and cats
being cooked are from shelters. These shelters are filled with the household pets who have
already been harmed or neglected and automatically are put to death. When it comes to

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