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University of Technology, Jamaica
College of Business Management
School of Business Administration
Business Research Methods (RES3025)
Saturday 4:00pm 6:00pm
Saturday November 14 ,2020
This concept paper is presented and submitted to Mrs. Sandra Bennet Powell in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Business Administration Program.
Leadership Style in the Organization
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 (INTRODUCTION) ...............................................................................................3
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY ...........................................................................................................3
PROBLEM STATEMENT ..............................................................................................................4
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................................................4
RESEARCH QUESTION AND SUB-TOPICS ............................................................................................4
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................................... 4-5
DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
CHAPTER 2 (LITERATURE REVIEW) ...................................................................................6
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................6
SUB-TOPICS ............................................................................................................................. 7-16
To what extent can the leadership styles affect the environment of the organization
How can leader use their leadership styles to improve their employee’s productivity?
How can management leadership styles impact the labour turnover rate of the organization?
How can management leadership style impact the job satisfaction level of employees?
CONCLUSION/SUMMARY ........................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 3 (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) .....................................................................18
STUDY METHODS AND PROCEDURES ……………………………………………………18
DATA COLLECTION METHOD ................................................................................................18
STATISTICAL/ANALYSES TO BE PEFORMED .........................................................................
TIMELINE, BUDGET AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................
METHODOLOGICAL AND OTHER LIMITATIONS ...................................................................
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................
Leadership Style in the Organization
Chapter 1 (Introduction)
Background to the Study
The nature and extent of this topic is “Leadership style in the organization”, this topic
focuses on how managers are going to use their leadership style in the organization and how it will
contribute to employee’s productivity and the overall performance in the organization. Emphasis
will be placed on how managers can cripple the business by employing the wrong style of
leadership within the organization. This study will be focusing on various aspect of leadership that
includes; the different type of leadership style, the advantage and disadvantages, how to critically
analysis an organization to see which style/approach of leading is right for an organization and
how can leaders improve on the five Independent variables (job satisfaction, productivity,
absenteeism, labour turnover etc.) of an organization by using leadership.
Justifying need for resolution
The reason why there is a need for resolution of “leadership style in an
organization/workplace,” is that improper organizational leadership styles can affect and hinder
productivity and the effectiveness of an organization (Papa, 2017). The implementation of
leadership styles in an organization if not properly implemented will have a dramatic effect on
the entire organization in the form of; Poor and Lack of Communication, Inability to provide
feedback to worker and ineffectively leading the organization. Therefore, there is a call
corrective actions of resolution within organization with poor leadership style.
Leadership Style in the Organization
Problem Statement
The leadership style emulated by management can affect the labour turnover and
productivity level of employees in the organization. However, effective leadership can improve
the growth and stability of the firm.
Purpose of the Study
The main aim of this study is to analyze and examine the impacts of leadership styles used
by management in the organization. It will be analyzing how managers can effectively employ
their leadership styles within the organization in regards to their behaviour and conduct in
leadership position. In addition, the study will be describing and identifying the effect of leadership
style on the organization.
Research Question and Sub-topics
How does the leadership style of top management impact the behavioral conduct of
To what extent can the leadership styles affect the environment of the organization.
How can leader use their leadership styles to improve their employee’s productivity?
How can management leadership styles impact the labour turnover rate of the
How can management leadership style impact the job satisfaction level of employees?
Significance of Study
The importance of studying this area is that leadership style can dramatically cripple an
organization and affect the productivity of the firm while in operation; which will cost the
Leadership Style in the Organization
business profit to shrink below expectation. So, therefore the importance of doing study this area
is that it will help employer/manager to improve on their skill of leading people that will in
return improve the productivity, effectiveness and profitability of the firm.
Definition of Key Terms
Productivity is commonly defined as a ratio between the output volume and the volume
of inputs. In other words, it measures how efficiently production inputs, such as labour and
capital, are being used in an economy to produce a given level of output.
Labour Turnover
Labor turnover, also known as staffing turnover, refers to the ratio of a number of
employees who leave a company through attrition, dismissal or resignation to the total number of
employees on the payroll in that period.
Leadership Style in the Organization
Chapter 2 (Literature Review)
Leadership can influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals. The
source of this influence may be formal, such as that provided by managerial rank in an
organization. However, not all leaders are managers, nor, for that matter, are all managers leaders.
An organization that provides its managers with certain formal rights is no assurance they will lead
effectively. Organizations need strong leadership and strong management for optimal
effectiveness. We need leaders today to challenge the status quo, create visions of the future, and
inspire organizational members to want to achieve the visions. We also need managers to formulate
detailed plans, create efficient organizational structures, and oversee day-to-day operations.
The study is geared towards analyzing and examining the impacts of leadership styles used
by management in the organization. The leadership style used by most managers have whether a
positive or negative impact on the organization and the employees, therefore, positive, and
influential leadership is important to management and the organization. It is very important for
managers to leave a positive impact on their employees as it affects the behavioral pattern, and it
is also important to create a positive work environment, as it will contribute to the employee’s
productivity level and reduce the labor turnover rate and improve the job satisfaction of employees.
Leadership Style in the Organization
To what extent can the leadership styles affect the environment of the organization
Within every organization there is a Leader, probably not only an organization but also within,
schools, homes, church etc. A Leader helps to see things from a different perspective and see how
they can improve and move forward with a better vision for the future. Leadership style is
designed, according to pioneer’s behaviors, which is enveloped under behaviorist theory. Inside
of this class, distinctive examples of leadership behavior are watched and classified as leadership
styles. Practicing managers tend to be the keenest on looking into this specific theory since with
this, leaders can modify their style taking into consideration the convictions, values, and society
on a whole.
According to Lewin 1939, he believed that leaders are born and not made but share common

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