roles of entrepreneuers

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The Roles of the Entrepreneur
Successful entrepreneurs can be shown through combinations between innovators and
managers whom have the ability in terms of management skills, creativity and business
know-how. They are the business leader who looks for new ideas and puts them into effect in
fostering economic growth and development. Among the roles of the entrepreneurs are:
1) Entrepreneurs as risk-taker:
Entrepreneurs are someone who is forward-looking and risk-taking whom willing to assume
risk and take the requisite action to make a profit or loss. In order to be successful,
entrepreneurs need to grasp every opportunity and to take chances on every situation to move
forward and in return would create gains or losses because it is entrepreneurial energy,
creativity and motivation that trigger the production and sale of new products and services. It
is the entrepreneur who undertakes the risk of the enterprise in search of profit and who seeks
opportunities to profit by satisfying as yet unsatisfied needs.
2) Creates employment opportunities:
Entrepreneurs provide job opportunities for employees to reduce the problem of

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