Role Of Project Management In Post Disaster Reconstruction Projects

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Natural disasters have increased in number significantly in the past decade and we all know their
capacity to affect the human lives. The government and other organizations are very efficient in
providing rapid relief measures after disaster. These relief measures include immediate evacuation,
food, clothes, medicines and temporary shelter. However; the communities and the environment
where we live are also destroyed and these communities are required to be restored by
reconstructing the houses and the infrastructure. The disaster relief measures are quite fast but
unfortunately the post-disaster reconstruction projects are often too slow and take a long time to
complete due to lack of government policies, funding, resource availability, and lack of a proper
project management plan. The government and other relief organizations prepare for the relief
measures such as food, water, and temporary shelters in advance but unfortunately the
reconstruction of the society is not pre-planned due to lack of government policies and funding
and most importantly lack of a proper project management team which focuses on rebuilding the
communities. Per the world bank data, more than 50% of the post-disaster reconstruction projects
failed in Africa since the year 2000. Several reasons were given for the failure of these projects
which included issues related to land acquisition, coordination and communication, lack of
government policies, funding, resources, material supply, machinery, and support from the local

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