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The Closer Look on Botticelli’s La Primavera interprets the symbols in the painting to
conclude that the image is associated with a wedding and the hope for fertility. La Primavera is
one of the most famous paintings in the Renaissance period and the symbolism behind it, nobody
really knows. From personal experience, I don’t believe that this painting is similar to any
contemporary engagement photos I’ve ever seen. Although, based on the mythological
symbolism, I can understand why many people think it may be associated with a wedding and
After researching, I’ve seen that Botticelli had painted about four different paintings over an
eight-year span, La Primavera was one of the four. The paintings were not painted for an
audience but designed specifically for his clients. This magnificent tempera painting on wood,
was said to be made for a member of the Medici family. The painting can easily symbolize the
wedding of Lorenzo Medici, cousin of Lorenzo the Great.
The scene of mythological symbolism such as Cupid, blindly pointing his bow and arrow at the
Three Graces who are dancing and wearing pearls on their heads, is said to symbolize purity and
a desire of love. Mercury, is seen either protecting the garden or ushering away winter clouds.
Chloris, who later turns into Flora is depicted throwing flowers which is said to symbolize
fertility and arrival of springtime.
Although, this painting is far from any contemporary engagement photos, it is apparent why so
many people think it symbolizes a wedding and fertility. There is no real answer as to what
Botticelli’s masterpiece truly symbolizes but I think this painting, as with many other paintings,
can have a vast array of interpretations for individuals. I also think La Primavera, when
showcased with other paintings of Botticelli’s, combine and form a much bigger picture.
Sources: Stokstad, Marilyn, and Michael Cothren. Revel Art History. 6th ed., vol. 2, Pearson,

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