Political correctness

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Daniel Tracey
Political Correctness
Political correctness
We are the melting pot. America is a nation filled with every background, race,
and culture imaginable. Through our diversity we come together as one. However there
are holes in our singularity. Every day people communicate, live, and work with people
who differ from them. These differences can allow for great strides forward, or for steps
of dispute in the wrong direction. Political correctness is becoming a growing issue in the
United States today. Wary of the consequences, one must be careful as to what he says
and does. Political correctness negates motivation, neutralizes the ability to speak freely,
and nullifies the value of diversity. It has over-exaggerated its original point and now
rules the lives of those it effects, everyone.
History has proven to us that there is no “right way” for putting an end to political
correctness. There will always be two opposing views over every issue: a political right
and a political left. Our forefathers adopted the idea of freedom of speech to bring
america together, to unite the nation. Americans today must watch every word that
happens to grace the ears of another person. Even though a word within context can mean
no harm, out of context, an individual can view it as offensive, insensitive, homophobic,
or even racist, all of which differ from its original meaning. College campuses are the
goldmine for the existence of political correctness. College campuses are filled with
different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. International students make up about a fifth of
every campus, making diversity is a present danger. Students are stressed; they have a lot
to learn in little time and are ready to pounce on anyone that offends them. Close
quarters, living with people they hardly know, and the wish to achieve good grades,
increase the tension level dramatically. They just wait for someone to say the wrong
word, and then they explode. For women, maybe the comment offended their feminism;
for minorities the comment offended their culture, and for the others the comment was
too offensive, an “out of context word” is dangerous. These views parallel those of
cultural Marxism.
Originally Marxism was viewed from an economic standpoint. The basis of
Marxism was, “all of history is determined by ownership of means of production.
Cultural Marxism translates the basis of economic Marxism and says, “all history is
determined by power, by which groups defined in terms of race, sex, etc., have power

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