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Physical/Motor Development Paper
Shea Bibee
Department of Human Development and Family Studies: University of Nevada, Reno
HDFS 431A.631A: Advanced Development-Infancy
Dr. Jen Mortensen
February 26, 2022
Physical and Motor Observation Paper
When babies are born, they do not know how to crawl, walk, or use utensils. They are
carried until they can walk on their own and they are fed until they can use a spoon or fork. As
they grow older and can understand the basic concepts of their physical and motor skills, they
can walk by themselves, use utensils by themselves, and navigate the world better. Physical and
motor skills are things that babies must learn in order to become independent and grow into fully
functioning adults. These physical and motor skills are needed in order for us to survive, we use
our hands to eat and drink, we use our mouths to speak, and we use our legs to run or walk. If we
did not have physical or motor skills, no one would be able to tie their shoe, get from place to
place by walking, use their hands to grab things, or even feed themselves. Learning basic
physical and motor skills helps children become independent and they can explore the world

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