Persuasive Speech Outline Jacob

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Jacob Gaude
Persuasive Speech Outline
Personal Experience is more important than rote learning
Intro: For college students to transition from school into the workplace, their focus must
change from what they know to how they know certain things. This is the main difference
between rote learning and Personal experience. Rote learning is the idea that you learn things
through a repetition of information. Growing up and then going through high school and
college, has always promoted rote learning. This is what we all do to gain knowledge and
memorize information for exams. Although, rote learning may be good for recall of information,
students still do not have the skill to apply these concepts outside the classroom. In the long
run, if students are not able to apply concepts to the workplace, then transitioning to a job will
not be easy. Therefore the importance of Experiential learning, or personal experience, is key to
today’s speech.
Statement of Purpose: In this speech, we will talk about why personal experience is better for
college students today.
3 Main points(joke)
BODY1. First, I’d like to explain the essentials of personal experience, and why as college

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