Our Greatest Challenge: Climate Change, It&#039s Everyone&#039s Responsibility

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Amelia Bartlet
24 April 2016
Module 11 Assignment
Our Greatest Challenge: Climate
It’s everyone’s home, therefore it ’s everyone’s responsibility
While consumers do seem to have the largest influence on the state of climate change, companies must
realize that they are just as responsible, if not more. Companies manipulate and u(lize resources on a
massive scale in order to meet the demands of consumers. However, how they go about their business
and the sustainability of their product or service needs to be upgraded just about everywhere in the
The Green-E certied Renewable Energy Certicates (RECs) we purchase encourage
the development of new clean-energy sources by providing wind-farm owners with
additional revenue. This, in turn, helps the wind farmers sell electricity at prices
competitive with power plants that use fossil fuels. [ CITATION Sta \l 1033 ]
Starbucks is taking an ini(a(ve to produce and deliver their product di-erently. In doing so, consumers
are (passively) no longer par(cipa(ng so heavily in the destruc(on of our environment, simply by their
choice of a product that also does not par(cipate in such behavior.

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