Organizational Structures

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Organizational Structure Discussion
Annie Askew, Amber Boynton, Joseph Flowers, Bahar Hussain, and Marva Thompson
August 25, 2014
Prof. Daryl Spiewak
Organizational Structure Discussion
There were three organizational structures that we read about; they are vertical, horizontal
and matrix. In a vertical structured organization the employees tend to report to upper-level
managers or one boss who is usually the CEO. These individuals or CEO are the ones that set
guidelines or policies. The advantage of this type of structure is that it is organized and can run
efficiently especially if the business is a factory where standardized processes are important. The
disadvantage is that there is little or no flexibility for the employees and when decisions are
made, they will not have any input which can in turn cause resentment. In a horizontal
organization there is an opportunity for employees to be innovative and creative since decision-
making is being made across or horizontally among employees. This type of structure will
improve employees’ moral and create more collaboration. The disadvantage is that the bigger the

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