My Individual Belief System

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Brian Helmuth
My Individual Belief Sytem
As a student, athlete, friend, consumer, and an individual entrepreneur,
business is incorporated into my life. Whether its working at my official job which is a
well known golf course, another whole world of ethics being involved in that , or the
side job I do for some extra cash, I make moral and ethical decisions every day. The
decisions I make are decisions I strongly believe in, and wouldn't do anything I wouldn't
do if I had any doubt. A belief system is a set of mutually supportive beliefs, whether
philosophical, religious, or ideological. I do incorporate other aspects into my decisions,
such as religion, including trying to prevent myself from breaking a commandment. My
morals are based off views my parents have taught me and stuff I have seen first hand
and have learned from personal experience. My opinion on how today's business world
runs ethically is based off of authority, tradition, reason and experience, including how
many things in today's world should be changed by how I see things.
Within the business world, ethics play a crucial part as to how a company
will be run and how a company will be seen in the eyes of the public. In many
companies today, their business is based off how the world perceives them, off of media
attention and how they broadcast themselves publicly. Many companies are the
complete opposite as they will do almost anything to make a quick dollar, even if the
decision is not a decision the public would willingly accept or want. For example, the
latest move by former CEO Martin Shkreli, who raised the price of a advanced drug that

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